November 30, 2008

Flemish student loses her job due to drunk Belgian minister

Filed under: General by Orangemaster @ 2:36 pm
Fortune cookie

What a lovely bit of gossip. A Flemish student living and working in New York blogged about a drunk Belgian minister and got fired for it.

The story goes that Nathalie Lubbe Bakker who until recently worked as a barmaid in New York City to pay for her room and board described the loud, lewd and drunk performance of Belgian defense minister Pieter de Crem at her bar in detail on her blog. Then, after some discussion between a representative of the minister and her boss she got fired without any explanation. Lubbe Bakker asked and heard from the defense minister’s representative that the minister wasn’t even supposed to be in New York as his meetings were all cancelled. That last bit was immediately picked up by the Belgian parliament and has been fueling the Belgian media and talk shows as of late. Lubbe Bakker asked the respentative, “didn’t you know beforehand that your meetings in New York were cancelled?”, “oh yes”, answered the representative, “but you know, it’s so quiet in Brussels at the moment, nothing is happening so we’d thought we’d come to NYC since we’ve never been here before”.

Yes, this is not really about the Netherlands, but I was weak. I will repent soon.

UPDATE: The girl is Dutch and lives in Antwerp. I have repented.


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November 29, 2008

Ceramic version of disposable French fries container

Filed under: Art,Design,Food & Drink,Gadgets,Weird by Branko Collin @ 3:18 pm

These ceramic containers for French fries are apparently on sale for 1 euro each at Bas / Dirk van den Broek in Rotterdam.

As the whole world has known since the movie Pulp Fiction, the Dutch eat their fries with mayonnaise. Hey, don’t knock what you haven’t tried! The only acceptable way to eat fries is from a cone-shaped paper bag, with the mayo on top. Since a long while many snack bars have switched however to serving their fries in plastic boxes with two compartments, a big one for the fries and a small one for the mayo. What kind of statement the Dirk van den Broek supermarket chain would be trying to make by having a sale of ceramic versions of these disposable containers Trendbeheer doesn’t tell.

Photo: Niels Post / Trendbeheer, some rights reserved.

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November 28, 2008

Jeroen Krabbé has no time for Grey’s Anatomy

Filed under: General by Orangemaster @ 8:00 am

World-famous Dutch actor Jeroen Krabbé, known for many Dutch and English-language roles (playing a meanie in the James Bond film ‘The Living Daylights’ comes to mind quickly) has refused a guest role on one of the most popular American television shows, Grey’s Anatomy. Dutch television show ‘SBS Shownieuws’ said on 26 November that Krabbé’s schedule is so full that he had to turn the American medical series down. He said they’d probably ask him again soon. What kind of character would he play? Hopefully not some Russian general called Koskov with a weird accent.


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November 27, 2008

Burglars pay child damages for sleepless nights

Filed under: General by Branko Collin @ 12:21 pm

Two burglars from Dordrecht have to pay a child 93 euro in damages, a local court decided. After the burglars broke into the child’s home, the child was afraid to sleep in its own bed for fear of the criminals returning, Algemeen Dagblad reports. After the two men were arrested, the parents asked for the symbolic amount in damages.

(Link: Z24 (Dutch))

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Dutch less paranoid than Germans

Filed under: Online by Eric @ 12:16 am
Who am I?

…At least when it comes to being afraid of online identity theft. The third Unisys security index, a ‘social indicator regarding how safe consumers feel on key areas of security‘, puts the Netherlands at spot 15, with an score of 87 on a scale from 0 to 300. This covers not only online security, but also national, personal and financial security.

The Germans, scoring a whopping 160 points on the index, are the most concerned Europeans with respect to identity theft. Yet, not even half would accept biometric technology to verify identities, something the Dutch are the most willing to accept.

(Link: Automatiseringgids, Photo:

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November 26, 2008

Cat up a tree? Fork out the money

Filed under: Animals,General,Weird by Orangemaster @ 11:20 am
Cat up a tree

Any cat in the small town of De Marne, Groningen that dares climb up a tree in the future will costs their owner a fistful of euro. Ask the friendly, local voluntary fire brigade to fetch kitty kat for you and they will charge you somewhere between 350 to 500 euro. I wonder what the difference in price entails. Tree height? Time? Cat cuteness?

Tjerk Elzinga, the local fire brigade commander says, “providing a service is something that is not part of our legal tasks. (…) There are companies specialised in that sort of thing and it would lead to unfair competition.” Either this man is enlightened and the rest of the country’s volunteer fire brigades should follow suit or he’s really, really annoyed with not having any fires to put out.

Local residents are divided on the issue, but everyone thinks 350 to 500 euro is a helluvalot to ask for a cat up a tree. The idea is that small, non life-threating situations like rescuing cats costs the fire brigade money, so they feel someone else should pay for it.

Dutch entrepreneurship in times of recession or just plain weird, you decide.

(Link:, Photo (non lolcat version): arttherapyblog)

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November 25, 2008

Spinoza statue unveiled in Amsterdam

Filed under: Art,General,History by Orangemaster @ 12:04 pm

The unveiling of a very prominent statue of philosopher Baruch Spinoza in Amsterdam took place Monday, 24 November in the presence of the city’s mayor, Job Cohen. It has been placed on the Zwanenburgerwal near the Stopera (the city’s opera house), which is at the entrance of the former Jewish quarter where Spinoza grew up. The statue was crafted out of bronze by Nicolas Dings and the head was specifically made to match the one on the former 1000 gulder banknote.

Our very own roving reporter and photographer Branko Collin says that, “according to a radio item this morning, the symbols on the cloak – the roses, parakeets and sparrows – stand for Spinoza himself, immigrants (a reference to the parakeets in Vondelpark) and natives (sparrows are a diminishing breed).”

(Link:, photo: Branko Collin)

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Viktor & Rolf’s million dollar doll house

Filed under: Fashion by Branko Collin @ 8:32 am

Today “The House of Viktor & Rolf” opens in Centraal Museum in Utrecht, a retrospective exhibition of Dutch fashion design duo Viktor & Rolf. Apart from presenting many of the pieces the prolific pair produced in the past, the exhibition also contains a huge doll house with dolls dressed in the deft duo’s drag. The dolls wear exact miniature replicas of the original looks “as presented back then at the shows in Paris.”

According to RTL Nieuws (video, Dutch), the doll house took two years to complete. The clothing for some of the dolls took more time to make than the original designs. The house + dolls cost 1.7 million euro, but after the exhibition has completed its tour of Utrecht and New York, the museum can have it for the bargain basement price of … 1 million euro.

Says the museum:

In 1998 Centraal Museum was the first museum to buy designs from Viktor & Rolf. Since then the museum has been keeping track of the duo by buying a representative piece from almost every collection. Currently, the museum owns 29 pieces by Viktor & Rolf, a large part of which will be shown at the exhibition.

The exhibition runs from today till February 8.

Photo by Centraal Museum / Peter Stigter, used with permission.

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November 24, 2008

Forget blue or white Christmas, think pink

Filed under: General,Religion,Weird by Orangemaster @ 1:34 pm
Pink tree

From 18 to 28 December, the city of Amsterdam will have a new gay event to gawk at: Pink Christmas. On 21 December, there will be a big Christmas market at the Pink Christmas Square (wherever that is) featuring a live Christmas nativity scene with Josephs, Marias and a bunch of pink Christmas trees (and no baby Jesus). I say gawk because let’s face it, the Gay Pride parade in the summer on boats is all about gawking at scantily clad men and a few women no matter what the message is or your sexual preference.

According to Stichting ProGay (ProGay association), the goal is to rival the summer Gay Pride parade as an event. ”We know that it will take time before this event is as popular. For now this market is basically just a nice street party,” explains chairman Frank van Dalen.

Does Amsterdam really need a new gay event? Maybe, why not, sure, we’ll see. But why it is Christmas related besides the fact that it is held at the end of the year? I don’t know, but it feels weird for reasons that have nothing to do with sexual orientation.

Christmas is not the most popular holiday in the Netherlands, Sinterklaas is, and it is mainly a children’s party. Christmas is in third place, after Koninginnedag (Queen’s Day) in April. And so Christmas, as compared to many other European countries, seems increasingly secular in nature, with Christmas cards more often depicting snow, snowflakes and symbols of winter than traditional Christmas symbols. Just go to the shops anywhere in the country with this in mind. It’s just not a big deal to the Dutch apparently, so maybe making it pink and gay is the way to go. We’ll see.


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November 23, 2008

New Braille postage stamps

Filed under: Design,General by Orangemaster @ 1:48 pm
Braille postzegel

Graphic designer René Put has designed new Dutch postage stamps with Braille called “Voel je mee” (“Sympathize”, but also a play on words with “to feel along”) for the visually impaired. The stamps combine letters with the Braille alphabet featuring missing letters filled in with Braille ones. The postage stamps pay tribute to Frenchman Louis Braille whose devised this alphabet 200 years ago.

Modern Dutch stamps have always been quite interesting. Here’s a unique one, the Dutch silver stamp, which was minted not printed with real silver.


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