January 31, 2009

Spyker going strong in spite of global recession

Filed under: Automobiles by Eric @ 11:48 am

While other car manufacturers world-wide are struggling to survive and hoping on governmental support to help them through the current recession, Dutch car manufacturer Spyker puts out a press release stating that in 2008 they almost doubled their production compared to 2007. And it doesn’t stop here: “Overall, we are optimistic that we will see a further increase in production and our distribution network this year”, says Victor R. Muller, Spyker’s Chief Executive Officer.

There aren’t too many Dutch car manufacturers and despite its historical background, Spyker is a relative newcomer. Establishing these results in a very competitive niche market, in which even Porsche and Ferrari are considered to be cars for the common people, is definitely a feat that calls for a big thumbs up!

Photo of a Spyker C12 Zagato by Joosthug, some rights reserved.

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HEMA store opened in Paris

Filed under: Fashion,Food & Drink,Gadgets by Orangemaster @ 9:54 am

After Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, a big chunk of Dutch pride in the form of a HEMA store has recently opened in Paris. Apparently, it is the store Dutch expats miss the most. The HEMA is kind of the French equivalent of the Monoprix (‘single price’ store), but with more Dutch goodies. It looks here in the video (Dutch with some French) more like the Casino stores and they do sell stroopwafels and “bonbons hollandais” (Dutch sweets), but no smoked sausage.

(Tip: Rachel, Link: vk.tv)

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January 30, 2009

Renovate a bridge, win half a million euro

Filed under: Architecture,Automobiles by Branko Collin @ 10:56 am

Building bridges well is one thing, but how to maintain them? Rijkswaterstaat, the governmental entity concerned with building and maintaining roads and such, has offered a grand prize of 500,000 euro for the person coming up with the best scheme to renovate a bridge. Rijkswaterstaat isn’t satisfied with its own procedures. They especially don’t like the way their current methods hinder traffic.

According to the rules, anybody can participate, although if you read on you’ll discover that with anybody they mean anybody who is registered at a Dutch chamber of commerce. Another rule states that you must speak sufficient English and Dutch to be able to explain your plan. The ten best ideas will net their creators up to 100,000 euro to further develop their plans, and only one winner will get the grand prize of half a mil.

The deadline for the first round is April 10.

Link: Z24 (Dutch). Photo of the bridge to IJburg, Amsterdam by me.

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January 29, 2009

Put your tulips next to mine in New York

Filed under: Architecture,General,History by Orangemaster @ 12:13 pm


You may have heard yesterday that New York City is celebrating is 400th anniversary and Amsterdam’s Mayor Job Cohen was there to give a speech. You may also have heard about the gift the Dutch are going to build in the form of a pavilion called New Amsterdam Plein & Pavilion, designed by Ben van Berkel. It will be built in Battery Park, the Southern most point of Manhattan and “be shaped like a flower or a windmill, depending on your perspective.”

“Pioneers from Amsterdam settled into the Manhattan area and planted the seeds of democracy, entrepreneurial spirit, freedom of expression and freedom of religion in what we now know as New York, the unofficial capital of the world,” Mayor Cohen of Amsterdam said. “Amsterdam and New York share a commitment to quality of life. Amsterdam and New York share the same DNA.”

It doesn’t matter at all that Henry Hudson was an English explorer who just happened to be on a Dutch vessel trying to find a passage to Asia. Location, location, location.

(Link: nytimes.com)

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January 28, 2009

Famous Dutch goalie breaks UK record

Filed under: General,Sports by Orangemaster @ 12:11 pm


Manchester United goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar has set a new record in the UK Premier League: he has now gone 1,032 minutes – which amounts to more than 11 matches – without conceding a goal, beating the previous record of 1,025 minutes by Chelsea’s Petr Cech five seasons ago.

Van der Sar made Dutch news as well this week by moving up from fifth to third place in the list of best paid Dutch sportspeople. The number one spot is held by baseball player Andruw Jones, while the rest of the top ten is strictly a football affair. However, the difference between Jones’s annual income (17,000,000 euro) and the number two spot, held by Ruud van Nistelrooy (8,200,000 euro) shows you which sport brings in the real bacon.

And Van Der Sar is the guy in black on the family portrait.

(Links: radionetherlands.nl, sportweek.nl, Photo: minbuza.nl)

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January 27, 2009

Electrical bikes gaining popularity

Filed under: Bicycles,General by Orangemaster @ 11:51 am
Electric bike

In 2008, according to figures published in Dutch daily De Telegraaf from the RAI association, about 120,000 electric bicycles were sold, which is almost 10% of the total amount of new bicycles sold. Also last year, the amount of bicycles sold were the same as in 2007, about 1,4 million. Owing to the popularity of the expensive electric bikes, the turnover rose and bikes in general have gotten more expensive.

Electric bicycles used to be sold to the elderly only, but apparently buzzing around town is not just for them. I for one want proof of this, as I do not know anyone with an electrical bike. I automatically associate electric bikes with the elderly, but then the trend of driving electric cars meant for the disabled sometimes has the male youth in my neighbourhood doing top speed.

(Link: telegraaf.nl, photo: fietsen.web-log.nl)


January 26, 2009

Castle looking for lord

Filed under: Architecture,General by Branko Collin @ 1:06 pm

The foundation that takes care of the Brederode Castle near Santpoort (close to Haarlem) is looking for a couple that will live in and maintain the property. Unfortunately, this is not as romantic as it sounds, as the castle itself is in ruins. Algemeen Dagblad reports (Dutch) that the foundation, Kastelenstichting Holland & Zeeland, is looking for someone who is married, who will maintain the grounds and the collections, and who will provide visitors with information and coffee. The “lord of the manor” will get to live in a house on the property.

As you can see in the illustration, Brederode was already in ruins in Hobbema’s time. The castle was built in the 13th century and given as a loaner to the Brederode family by the Count of Holland. In 1426 part of the castle was destroyed and its occupant, Lord Brederode, was forbidden to restore it, says Wikipedia. No idea if that rule still stands.

Job description here, in Dutch.

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January 25, 2009

Possible world record for newborn in Utrecht

Filed under: Food & Drink,General by Orangemaster @ 12:55 pm
Beschuit met muisjes

On Saturday, 12 January at 10:53 am residents of the neighbourhood Tuinwijk in Utrecht celebrated the birth of Helena Dijkhuizen, the 300,000 resident of the city. The city wanted to make a big deal and threw her parents the biggest maternity party (‘kraamfeest’ in Dutch) ever. Everyone was invited and the neighbourhood offered the traditional coffee and beschuit (Dutch-type rusk) with special red and white sprinkles (‘muisjes’). ‘Beschuit met muisjes’ is what people traditionally eat when a child is born. They have blue sprinkles for boys and pink for girls, so the red was to make a point, I imagine. When a Royal child is born, they serve orange and white sprinkles, orange representing Dutch royalty.

The city wants to get its party in the Guinness Book of World Records and so we don’t know at this time if that is the case.

(Link: blikopnieuws.nl, Photo: helmaschreuders.web-log.nl)

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January 24, 2009

Less Brits in Amsterdam, but do they feel welcome?

Filed under: General by Orangemaster @ 1:27 pm

According to figures of the ATCB (Amsterdam Toerisme en Congres Bureau) featured in the latest paper copy of Amsterdams Stadsblad, less Brits are coming to Amsterdam to the tune of 6% less in 2008. The main culprit is the dropping pound, which is almost equal to the euro (1 GBP today is worth EUR 1.046 as I write this – hey guys, wanna finally have the euro?). Let’s face it, it’s time to visit London now… and I actually wanted to go to Dublin, but hey.

Many cafes in downtown Amsterdam which specifically cater to a UK-oriented audience have seen their clientele shrink. The article mentions that the usual Brits and Irish who frequent such places are mostly expats rather than tourists. Apparently, the talk of the pub is that the Dutch media negatively portrays Brits (and yes, I’m assuming the Irish, Scots and Welsh, too, though I could be wrong) as ‘loud, annoying drunks’. Amsterdam Mayor Job Cohen even said on television in England that this group of Brits were not welcome. Now, picture the hard-working, decent expats at the pub with their pints rightly complaining that everyone is being depicted as idiots, like the media tends to do with ethnic minorities. Imagine the average Dutch person believing the newspaper they pay money to have delivered to their house and you have an image problem.

Why would any British tourist (or British pound user) want to come if they don’t feel welcome? What part of hospitality is the part where you insult a badly behaving minority to piss off the majority you’re trying to woo to your nation’s capital?

UPDATE: BBC four films in Amsterdam and gets Job Cohen’s opinion on camera.
Amsterdam plans ‘cannabis clean up’.

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Awesome ‘flyswatter’ bridge

Filed under: Architecture by Branko Collin @ 9:25 am

This bridge, which looks likes a huge flyswatter, is in Leeuwarden. It was designed by Bruggenbureau Van Driel and built in 2000 by Ballast Nedam and BSB Staalbouw. The way I figure it, it works as an ordinary drawbridge, except when you’re in a hurry, then it’ll flip you like a pancake (which is what you’ll look like afterwards).

This is the Slauerhoffbridge, named after a local poet. I translated his “Voor de verre prinses” once, but not very well, so I’ll just link to it.

Via Jalopnik. Photo by Van Driel Bruggenbureau, used with permission. Much more (and more recent) photos after the links.

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