Make me a Muslim match

There are more and more singles in the Netherlands, and apparently a lot of them are Muslims. Going to a club and hooking up is really not their thing, and so on October 19, anyone fitting the bill can get dressed up for the first-ever Islamic Single Event.
“The days of being matched up and married through contacts is over. Young Muslims want to pick and choose. One wants a career woman, while another wants a woman with the same level of education or maybe not”, says Rachid El Hajoui. This way El Hajoui hopes to build a platform for single Muslims looking for partners. (This sounds like men looking for women and not the other way round, but hey.)
To avoid attracting any ‘players’, the admission fee is € 50.The venue is also quite small and located in a small village. Halal food will be served, chaperonnes are welcome, and there will also be blind speedating and some entertainment. “For people who want to play, they can always go to Ibiza!” Moreover, this event is for Muslims over 25.”
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