August 18, 2007

Red hair day in Breda

Filed under: Art,Gadgets,Weird by Orangemaster @ 9:00 am

Breda has declared Sunday, 2 September ‘Red Hair Day’, so that artist and painter Bart Rouwenhorst can paint and take pictures. Downtown Breda is expecting some 800 red-haired people for the occasion. As of Sunday, some 20 artisits with a fascination for “carrot tops” or “gingers” can check out pictures and paintings in de Grote Kerk. Rouwenhorst has been painting red-haired people for years “They are rare and special. Their skin colour is totally different, and so it is extremely difficult to paint them realistically.”

Van Gogh did a fine job if you ask me.

(Link: De Telegraaf)

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August 17, 2007

Ring my bell no more

Filed under: General,Weird by Orangemaster @ 10:11 am

Pastor Harm Schilder of the Heilige Margarita Maria church parish in Tilburg was fined 5,000 big ones (euro) today and already another 5,000 big ones last Friday because his bell rings too loud. Too loud means 80 decibels instead of 70 decibels, which in laymen’s terms is the difference between a car and a noisy factory. Nevertheless, when the bell hits you very early at 7:15 am, I can imagine it’s loud.

The pastor was told by his boss the bishop not to ring the bell until they get the volume fixed. Stay tuned until next Friday.

(Link: Omroep Brabant)

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August 16, 2007

Women’s toilets in stereo to foil rules

Filed under: Weird by Orangemaster @ 11:35 am

Brasserie De Jongens van Almere in Almere, Flevoland has made the news with their toilets. The brasserie has installed two women’s toilets in one space. Owner René Josso was forced to do so to follow rules imposed by the city. “We already had separate women’s and men’s toilets when the city came up with an additional requirement. To save space, we squeezed two ladies’ toilets together,” Josso explains. Apparently, the toilets are a hit, as women think they are “fun”.


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August 15, 2007

Rare moth makes an appearance

Filed under: Nature,Science by Orangemaster @ 3:03 pm

The employees of Natuurmonumenten (nature reserves) have spotted a unique moth, Chortodes brevilinea (aka stippelrietboorder in Dutch)(you tell me what it is in English) for the first time in 52 years. It was spotted during a nocturnal inventory of two bird watchers on the uninhabited island of Griend, South of Terschelling.

This presumably unique species of moth was last seen between 1953 and 1955 in the Frisian marshland, Alde Feanen. It is brown, but the yellowish brown hairs on its abdomen make it easy to recognise. Noctural expeditons at the end of August should confirm whether it has come to stay on the island or if was it just passing by en route to Germany and England were it can also be found.


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August 14, 2007

Ducthman wins World Championship Stratego

Filed under: Gaming,General by Orangemaster @ 1:15 pm

Last weekend, 25 year-old IT student Vincent de Boer from Delft, South Holland won the World Championship Stratego, which was held in the Belgian town of Edegem. This is his third win, as he also won in 2003 and 2004. A total of 44 people from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, England, the Czech Republic and the United States participated in the event.

According to Wikipedia, the modern version of Stratego was originally published in the Netherlands, which would explain why the Dutch have apparently always won the championship, the Dutch Stratego Association explains.

On a more personal note, I found a completely new game of Stratego on the street in Zandvoort on Queen’s Day, left by children. I’m still very happy about that.

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August 13, 2007

New pole-sitting record

Filed under: Dutch first,General by Orangemaster @ 3:19 pm

In Kollum, Friesland, Werner Leichtenberg, Sandra Ellens and Wieke Lap have set a new Frisian pole-sitting record. Last weekend, the three spent 60 hours straight (OK, they are allowed to go to the toilet) on a pole in the centre of their village, according to the pole-sitting organisation. The old record was established in Warns at 58 hours. As well, the three decided to get off their pole at the same time, so that they all could share the record together.

This originally Frisian sport has made a serious comeback. The rules are simple: the one who stays the longest wins. The poles are usually in water so that if someone falls asleep, they will not get hurt when they fall.


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August 12, 2007

Swastika in a cornfield

Filed under: General,Weird by Orangemaster @ 11:17 am

In a nice, decent cornfield labyrinth in Prinsenbeek, Brabant, some nasty people made a swastika about 24 metres in diameter. Now that the world has discovered Google maps and the likes, we can see these things.

Amusingly enough, the author of this bit of news wrote that the swastika is “the wrong way round”, when in fact it is bang on, Nazi-style. Of course, if the author was trying to be clever (which I seriously doubt) and imply that following i.e. Hindu tradition the swastika is the wrong way round, then it wouldn’t be newsworthy. What was that fuss a while back about the Dutch not knowing enough about WWII?

The police were notified and the labyrinth people will try and change the shape somewhow.

And then, there’s other unfortunate swastikas, such as this oldie but goodie:
Belgian swastika fountain)

(Link: Omroep Brabant)

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August 11, 2007

Better late than never for Dutch singer

Filed under: Dutch first,Music by Orangemaster @ 12:51 pm

After 23 years of professional singing and a few adverts on TV this year alone, 48-year-old singer Dries Roelvink has finally got his first Top 10 hit, with the single “Op weg naar de zon (Route du soleil)” (roughly, “Following the sun (Route du soleil)”, the highway that leads to the South of France). It went from the 25th spot to the 8th. For Dries, who has nine albums and 34 singles, it is a dream come true. “My career has had ups and down, but this is unbelievable”.

This also means that the Dutch wikipedia article on Roelvink is happily out of date : Dries Roelvink



August 9, 2007

Quick weight loss for the obese before surgery

Filed under: Dutch first,Science by Orangemaster @ 11:18 am

The Academisch Ziekenhuis Maastricht (AZM hospital) claims to be the first hospital in Europe to use the EndoBarrier Gastrointestinal Liner, a sleeve-like device that makes obese patients kilos lighter in about three months in order for surgery to be less risky.

Two surgeons and two doctors of the AZM will carry out the first operations in Europe using the device, within the scope of a random study of long-term use and effect of the EndoBarrier. Developed in the US, the EndoBarrier also has more advantages. Apparently, as long as the ‘sleeve’ is in place, the symptoms of diabetes are not present. How that actually works is not yet known and needs to be researched.

(Link:, News14)

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August 8, 2007

Dutch comedians hit Edinburgh

Filed under: General,Shows by Orangemaster @ 11:12 am
Hans Teeuwen

The Amsterdam Underground Comedy Collective, a brotherhood of stand-up comedians (there are no women in the group, even though the Guardian talks about every “stand-up in the country”), whose heavy hitters includes Theo Maassen and Hans Teeuwen (shown here), will be performing at the Assembly in the Edinburgh Comedy Room until August 26.

And now I gladly quote the Guardian:

According to Maassen, and as those familiar with Holland’s sex and drug laws might expect, there are few boundaries to Dutch humour, and a veto on kowtowing to audience tastes. The members of this profit-sharing collective (which seems to include practically every stand-up in the country) “push each other to go further, to ‘fuck the audience’,” says their manager, Xander Wassenaar. The British attitude to crowd-pleasing confuses them. “People tell us, ‘At Edinburgh, make sure you make some jokes about the English, because Scottish people like that.'” Wassenaar looks disgusted. “That doesn’t happen here.”

So much for the cultural differences. What of the linguistic ones? The Dutch speak impeccable English, but stand-up is nothing if not idiomatic, and I wonder whether Maassen has had to adapt his act for a UK crowd. “More than half of my material is not translatable,” he says. “When I say it in English, it’s not funny any more.”

Give us an example. “I have a joke in Dutch,” he says. “The muscle in your anus …” The sphincter? “Yes. In Dutch, it’s called the circle muscle. So I make this joke, ‘I don’t understand: my anus is a circle muscle so why are there stripes in my underpants?'” Maassen and Wassenaar fall about laughing. Then, collecting himself, Maassen says: “In English, it isn’t called the circle muscle, so it wouldn’t be quite as funny.” Quite.

My two cents: I once saw Hans Teeuwen run to get on the tram downtown Amsterdam and try to pay with a EUR 50 bill, which should be perfectly possible, but pissed off the cashier. Non-crowd pleasing again.

(Link: Guardian, via Onze taal)

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