October 16, 2007

24 pumpkins – visiting Canada

Filed under: General,Nature by Orangemaster @ 5:23 pm

We’ll leave the political scandals and rantings to the Dutch newspapers. Only two souls post at 24 oranges (we are always looking for more – drop us an e-mail – no really!), and one of them is enjoying a vacation in Québec, Canada, where these lovely pumpkins were snapped.

Canada celebrates Halloween, while the Netherlands does not. When the Dutch do try to celebrate it, they often take elements of Christmas and give them an orange and black twist, like cakes and gifts. It’s weird.

And then a note to those city employees that make so much noise blowing leaves in the street twice a week and in some places on Sundays:


They sell plastic garbage bags with funny faces here that look like Halloween pumpkins. They are more efficient, nicer and the kids like to help rake the leaves. It has to be cheaper and less noisy than those stupid blowers.

More real news tomorrow, although this has a Dutch-Canadian connection.

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October 15, 2007

Pastor claims late bell ringing has halved attendance

Filed under: Religion by Branko Collin @ 12:40 am

Remember Harm Schilder, the pastor who got into trouble with worldly powers for trying to gather his congregation at mass by ringing his church bells at ungodly hours? Well, he’s back in the news. Pending the outcome of the lawsuit that the board of his church brought against the city of Tilburg, he hasn’t been ringing his church bells at early hours anymore. Now he claims that attendance to early mass has dropped in half. But he is confident that might he lose his lawsuit, Catholics from all over the country will send him money. Apparently you cannot lead a Catholic to mass, but you can make him pay?

Source: Brabants Dagblad.

Speaking of water, and of what might be in it, have you ever searched 24 Oranges for Tilburg?

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October 13, 2007

Grumm the foldable paper robot model

Filed under: Design by Branko Collin @ 5:37 am

Martijn Kamstra offers PDFs and JPEGs of a grim paper robot called Grumm. Print, cut, fold. There are two versions: a textured one (see photo) and a blank one that you can draw over yourself. Kamstra has also documented the design process of this papercraft project. BoingBoing mentions that “Kamstra wants photos of your own coloring jobs”.

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Free newspaper delivered to the office

Filed under: General by Branko Collin @ 4:14 am

There are three free newspapers in the Netherlands: a Dutch edition of Metro, Spits (by the publishers of the Telegraaf), and De Pers. In the fight for market share the latter has now come up with a new scheme: free delivery to the workplace. Any office that has more than 50 employees can request free delivery of a free newspaper. And of course for De Pers this is a nice opportunity to figure out where the companies are that can afford to advertise.

Via Dagelinks.

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October 12, 2007

Biggest irritant: jumping the queue

Filed under: General by Branko Collin @ 5:18 am


Multiscope, a Dutch online marketing agency, has polled 1,970 Dutch people to find out what their biggest sources of irritation are. Most of the complaints were about anti-social behaviour: for instance 68% of the people gave “jumping the queue” the top spot. When asked what sort of remedies people would agree with, stricter, harsher, and more immediate punishments were at the top of the list. Almost half of those polled agreed with the suggestion that the Dutch police force could take a leaf out of the book of the para-military police force of Spain. (Is it me, or do these measures sound a bit harsh for “jumping the queue?)

The entire top 10 was:

  1. Jumping the queue
  2. Dumping waste
  3. Dog poo in the streets
  4. Cars not keeping their distance
  5. Spitting
  6. Loud portable music
  7. Loitering
  8. Second hand smoke
  9. Loud mobile phone conversations in public
  10. Not receiving right of way

Although a lot of countries believe they are the number one complainers of the world, there are differences in what people actually complain about.

Via Telegravin.

(Photo by Diliff, and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license version 2.5.)

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October 11, 2007

Bacteria from Groningen into space

Filed under: Science by Orangemaster @ 12:21 pm

Today a big ol’ bunch of bacteria gets a tour of space. The Groningen company Bioclear is sending them into space in order to test a new type of biological air filter.

The bacteria is hitching a ride with the Russian Soyuz capsule (probably not this one) being launched from Kazakhstan. Within two days, the Soyuz will be coupled to the International Space Station (ISS) and will remain spinning around the earth until 23 October.

Of course, if you read Dutch, the comments related to this news story poking fun at other recent news in Groningen (HIV party, the slogan ‘nothing tops Groningen’, etc.) is a real gas. Feel free to ask us.

(Link: nieuwnieuws.nl)

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October 10, 2007

Donald Duck in Amsterdam

Filed under: Architecture,Comics by Branko Collin @ 1:30 pm

Albeit an American export, the Donald Duck comic is something typically European. For some reason, Donald Duck comics haven’t done much in their country of origin. In the Netherlands however, Donald Duck magazine — subtitled “The merry weekly” — is considered the blueprint of how to make a successful magazine. It has existed for well over 50 years, and has always been a hit, not in the least because grown-ups kept buying the magazines for themselves and their children long after they supposedly should have grown out of comics themselves.

Donald Duck’s adventures often take place in Duck Town, which is a generic city in the US. Whenever couleur locale managed to creep into a locally produced comic, it would be an exception. But the Dutch magazine is now sending its main characters on the road, and is working on a story that takes Donald, Scrooge, and the three nephews to Amsterdam. Daily De Telegraaf reports (Dutch) that there will be gables, canals, and the royal palace on Dam Square (so-called because it is where the actual dam was built in the river Amstel).

Disclaimer: I have co-written a few stories for Donald Duck magazine myself in the past, but I have no ties to the magazine.

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October 9, 2007

You’re Dutch when it suits us

Filed under: General by Orangemaster @ 1:16 pm

In the Top 200 list of most influential Dutch people, there are three people of ethnic origin. They are Dutch-Moroccan René Dahan, Moroccan-born Sadik Harchaoui and Princess Máxima, who is Dutch-Argentinian. All three of them are Dutch and coincidentally all three have dual citizenship as they cannot do away with their other nationality legally. That’s all fine, I plan to do the same soon.

What bugs me is that they are Dutch when it suits the press and in this case, indeed the best case, they are from a minority group. So you can play both sides when it suits you. No wonder the Dutch identity is not a constant.

(Link: allochtonen.web-log.nl)

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October 8, 2007

Lou Reed to open photo exhibition in Amsterdam

Filed under: Art by Orangemaster @ 10:45 am

On 10 October, musician, rock singer and photographer Lou Reed will open his photo exhibition entitled “Lou Reed’s New York” in Amsterdam at gallery Serieuze Zaken Studioos. The exhibition will be open to the public from 11 October through 15 November.

Why were all the photos from New York in this exhibition? “I think Leonard Cohen had a line, `I would travel anywhere in the pursuit of beauty’. And this is the beauty of New York. I just wanted to take pictures of that, with no other motive than that.”

Galerie Serieuze Zaken, Bilderdijkstraat 66 in Amsterdam. Opening hours: Wednesday through Saturday from noon to 6 pm and the first Sunday of the month from noon to 5 pm.

(Link: Persberichten.nl, photo: loureed.nl)

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October 7, 2007

World’s biggest croquette gets a party

Filed under: Dutch first,Food & Drink by Orangemaster @ 6:37 pm

Croquette company Van Dobben has announced that it is going to make the world’s biggest croquette. The snack producer has also asked fans what they wanted as filling in it on their site grootstecroquet.nl. The 1,3-meter-long croquette weighs almost 250 kilos and has a circumference of more than 1,5 metres. It will be unveiled on Saturday 27 October, on the Thorbeckeplein in Amsterdam. Guess who will be giving a special performance for the occasion? Dries Roelvink of course!

Have a look at the making of as well.

(Link: vleesmagazine.nl)

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