October 6, 2007

Rats cannot tell between Japanese and Dutch

Filed under: Science,Weird by Branko Collin @ 10:30 am

Weird science! The Ig Nobel awards are tongue-in-cheek awards given to the people doing very serious scientific studies that make you laugh before they make you think. Last Thursday, the 2007 awards were presented at MIT in the US.

Prof. Dr. Johanna van Bronswijk of the Eindhoven University of Technology came to pick up the prize she had won in the category biology for doing a census of all the mites, insects, spiders, pseudoscorpions, crustaceans, bacteria, algae, ferns and fungi with whom we share our beds each night. See also “Huis, Bed en Beestjes” (House, Bed and Bugs), J.E.M.H. van Bronswijk, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, vol. 116, no. 20, May 13, 1972, pp. 825-31.

Juan Manuel Toro, Josep B. Trobalon and Núria Sebastián-Gallés, of Universitat de Barcelona in Spain, won the award for Linguistics by showing that rats sometimes cannot tell the difference between a person speaking Japanese backwards and a person speaking Dutch backwards. See also “Effects of Backward Speech and Speaker Variability in Language Discrimination by Rats,” Juan M. Toro, Josep B. Trobalon and Núria Sebastián-Gallés, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, vol. 31, no. 1, January 2005, pp 95-100.

Other winners were the US military apparatus for trying to make a bomb that turns its victims into homosexuals (no-one turned up to accept the award); Mayu Yamamoto, from Japan, for developing a method to extract vanilla fragrance and flavouring from cow dung; Brian Wansink of the UK for investigating the limits of human appetite by feeding volunteers a self-refilling, “bottomless” bowl of soup; and more.

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October 5, 2007

Peeping ‘Tons’ at the beach

Filed under: Weird by Orangemaster @ 12:41 pm


One-way rest room mirror is a ‘good joke’

The new toilets at popular beach pavilion Parnassia close to Bloemendaal have a one-way mirror which allows men to spy on women using the ladies’ rest room, the Parool reports.

Owner Hans Slewe tells the paper he does not see what all the fuss is about. ‘We’ve not seen any naked women,’ he says. And no, he says, the mirror has not led to more men using the toilets.

‘It is not a peep show,’ he argues. ‘You look through a window and you can see the dunes and women washing their hands and checking their hair. The actual toilets are closed off. It is not sexist.’

But women, cannot look into the gents, the paper points out. And nor are the women aware that they are being looked at.

‘That’s the joke,’ says Slewe. ‘And 99% think it’s a good laugh. We’ve got 30 to 40 women working here and none of them have complained.’

(Link: Dutchnews.nl)

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October 4, 2007

Happy World Animal Day! Have some space cake

Filed under: Animals,Weird by Orangemaster @ 9:56 am

In good Dutch finger pointing tradition, Stichting Wakker Dier warns us about eating non-politically correct space cake with eggs from laying battery chickens. To point the space cake eating crowd in the right direction, they have come up with a sticker to place on “chicken friendly” space cake, made with deep litter eggs (from chickens that do get to run around somewhat).

The coffee shops, Dutch for those places that sell weed and hash, are quite happy to oblige them.

(Link: rtl.nl)

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October 3, 2007

Free restaurant for the poor

Filed under: Food & Drink,General by Orangemaster @ 11:21 am

Joy4You, a new restaurant for the poor, is opening its doors on Wednesday, 10 October in Utrecht. The poor can have a free meal on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Families as well as singles can eat there for free.

Everything is sponsored, as butchers, supermarkets and vegetable distributors provide them with food. People who want to eat at Joy4You must register with Stichting De Burcht-Armenzorg. Only after a meeting with this association can someone be eligible for a free meal.

But why an English dotcom name with negative connotations?

(Link: rtl.nl)

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October 2, 2007

Sticky tape on a roll (HEMA design contest 2007)

Filed under: Design by Branko Collin @ 8:04 am

This design for a tape dispenser by Derk Reilink (fourth year student Industrial Product Design at the Saxion Hogeschool in Enschede) won second place in this year’s HEMA Design Competition. First place was won by Annet Hennink, who came up with a disposable cake stand. I also like the pan lid with holes, making it easier to drain water after you’ve boiled your veggies.

HEMA, a large department chain store in the Netherlands and Belgium, organises a design competition each year. It then picks winning designs and puts these into production. The most famous of these was the winner of the first ever competition, the Lapin (French for rabbit), a tea kettle that looks just like a bunny rabbit.

Most of the products sold at HEMA are from the house brand. The chain seems to pride itself in its “staples”: in its advertising campaigns, it prominently advertises its underwear, clothes pegs, bicycle lights, pans and so on. Hence the theme of this year’s competition: the new HEMA staple.

Link (Dutch), link (French, PDF).

Edit: image replaced by one that contains the final design.

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October 1, 2007

Government axes electronic voting

Filed under: IT by Branko Collin @ 9:48 am

Last week Minister of the Interior, Bijleveld announced (Dutch) that for now the Netherlands will return to paper voting. A committee headed by former minister Korthals-Altes had concluded that currently electronic voting systems are unsafe. Earlier, the Wij Vertrouwen Stemcomputers Niet group (We do not trust voting kiosks), headed by well-known hacker Rop Gongrijp, had demonstrated how easy it is to hack a voting kiosk without leaving a trace.

The Korthals-Altes committee concluded that electronic voting should leave a paper trail, so that votes can be re-counted if necessary, and that it should be transparent. The soonest moment at which electronic voting can be re-introduced would be after the 2009 elections for the European parliament.

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