November 20, 2007

Anne Frank tree saved by the judge

Filed under: General,History,Nature by Orangemaster @ 7:37 pm

The fate of the Anne Frank tree has been decided, after a judge had a good look at the tree just before making his decision: it may not be chopped down. Remember, it was really sick and hundreds of thousands of euro were spent to try and save it. At 7 pm Dutch time, a judge decided that the tree needs to be healed or fixed and that there are still things that they can do to keep it alive properly. He added that if the tree causes damages to houses nearby, owners will be compensated.

To anticipate the possible cutting of the tree, grafts have been made. And then there’s our earlier posting about the chestnuts of the Anne Frank tree sold on eBay. Apparently, they currently have a bid of $USD 10,340, which is pretty useless at this point in time.

The 150-year-old tree (a white horse chestnut tree – Aesculus hippocastanum) stands in the inner garden of the house at Keizersgracht 188, one street over from the Anne Frank House, which is on the Prinsengracht.

Anne Frank wrote the following entries about the chestnut tree in her diary:

23 February 1944
The two of us looked out at the blue sky, the bare chestnut tree glistening with dew, the seagulls and other birds glinting with silver as they swooped through the air, and we were so moved and entranced that we couldn’t speak.

18 April 1944
April is glorious, not too hot and not too cold, with occasional light showers. Our chestnut tree is in leaf, and here and there you can already see a few small blossoms.

13 May 1944
Our chestnut tree is in full blossom. It is covered with leaves and is even more beautiful than last year.

(Info: Live RTL 4 television, Photo:, link:

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Dutch company buys Eiffel tower staircase

Filed under: Architecture,General,Sports by Orangemaster @ 11:37 am
Eiffel tower stairs

Erik Kurvers, owner of consulting agency Eiffel in Den Bosch, Noord-Brabant, bought this original piece of the Eiffel tower stairs yesterday in Paris for EUR 180,000. Kurvers also happens to be the chairman of the Den Bosch basketball club, the EiffelTowers. The 4,5-meter-high staircase is to be seen as a symbol for the company and club to ‘climb higher’ (aim higher really, but not miss the hoop). This piece of staircase connected the second and third storey of the original tower of 1889.

(Link:, Photo: Frogsmoke)

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November 19, 2007

Anne Frank tree to go, chestnuts already on eBay

Filed under: General,Nature by Orangemaster @ 12:11 pm

It was on the news for many months, the scheduled chopping down of the Anne Frank chestnut tree probably on November 21, the tree she talked about in her world-famous diary. Amsterdam does not chop down anything without serious consideration, and according to many experts, this tree has to go, although so many people have so many ideas on how to save it. There is even a webcam on the tree and the secret annex of the house.

According to local TV station AT5, the highest bid on the tree’s chestnuts is EUR 355, for sale on eBay. Someone who claims to live on the next street over from the sick Anne Frank tree put the chestnuts on eBay last Friday. The idea is that someone can grow their own Anne Frank tree. Neighbours and associations will be fighting the chopping down of the tree until the very last day.

(Link:, Photo:

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November 17, 2007

Belgian Robin Hood ‘robs’ Dutch chain store

Filed under: General,Weird by Orangemaster @ 11:58 am

Belgian Norbert Verswijver went to the Dutch chain store Blokker in Merksem near Antwerpen with a bag full of discount vouchers. He was smart enough to notice that the vouchers did not have the usual “cannot be combined with other promotions” disclaimer. Basically, Blokker made a huge mistake.

“For example, I buy a television set with a 20% off voucher. For the remaining amount, I use another one until the price is EUR 0.” The man even checked his assumptions beforehand with authorities in the matter and brought along a bailiff.

He scored EUR 48,511 in televisions, CD burners and what have you, and paid a mere EUR 0,60. The woman who owned the stored tried to block the sale, and called the CEO to tell him what was going on. Later, Mr Verswijver called the CEO to tell him his side of the story. ”I totally understand this woman at the shop. I hope that they will deliver the goods because if they don’t, I will take them to court and probably win.

Mr Verswijver is planning other such moves and calls himself a modern-day Robin Hood because he shares his booty with others.

(Link:, Photo: Blokker in Enschede, The Netherlands)

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November 16, 2007

Boy arrested for “stealing” virtual furniture

Filed under: Dutch first,Online by Branko Collin @ 1:00 am

The police in Amsterdam have arrested a 17-year-old boy at an undisclosed date for removing virtual furniture from other people’s accounts in the virtual community Habbo Hotel. According to the police of Amsterdam-Amstelland (Dutch) the suspect hails from Breda. Four more suspects, all 15 years old and from Gennep, have been questioned. The police are charging the five with computer trespass, theft, destruction of data and buying stolen properties, although the article sums up the case as one of fraud. This is the first time people have been arrested in the Netherlands for stealing virtual goods. The police received reports from five victims.

Habbo Hotel is a commercial online community for teens. Members can go to chatrooms and buy furniture, called “furni” according to Wikipedia. The furniture can then be placed in so-called guest rooms, or traded with other members.


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November 15, 2007

Flowers change colour if you ring them up

Filed under: Art by Orangemaster @ 5:01 pm

In Delft, South Holland, people can call a free mobile phone number and potted geraniums somewhere downtown will change colour. Artist Leonard van Munster has placed 10 bunches of potted geraniums at the request of the Technical University of Delft. Van Munster is known to combine his art with the technical possibilities of the mobile phone. Delft’s public library has an ape orchestra by Van Munster. Visitors can call the apes at at free mobile number upon which the orchestra plays a fragment by classical composer Francisco Tárrega from the 19th century, whose music is now known around the world as the Nokia tune.

(Link and photo:

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November 14, 2007

Copyright “trolls” Cozzmoss catch two infringers

Filed under: General by Branko Collin @ 2:07 am

Copyright trolls are the copyright equivalent of patent trolls, but not as common. However, they operate on the same principal: they buy “intellectual property” and use it to legally extort money from the naïve. The Verbal Jam blog reports (Dutch) about a Dutch company called Cozzmoss that has recently managed to extract hundreds of euros from non-commercial bloggers. Their website (Dutch) might look clunky, but their approach is anything but. First, they let authors sign over their copyrights to them, which makes legal action that much easier (no squabbling over who you represent). Then, they only appear to attack people with limited knowledge of the law, and third, they seem to limit their claims for damages to relatively small amounts, amounts that do not exceed the money you would lose if you would let it come to a lawsuit.

Dutch copyright law does not allow the infringed upon party to recoup insanely high statutory damages, but the cost of going to court is still substantial, whether you win or lose, which is why parties usually settle out of court, and this is the sort of reaction that Cozzmoss seems to hope for. People with shallow pockets who won’t contest your claims will settle relatively meekly.

Except of course that bloggers blog: has a long list of bloggers that have written about Cozzmoss during the past fortnight, and only few of them show any understanding for what the others call “vultures” and “bounty hunters,” both perfect analogies if you ask me.

One of the bloggers that got caught in the trap is Cinner (nomen est omen?), who republished an interview with professor Bram Buunk on her website. In the interview, the social-psychology professor belittles people like her who have chronic fatigue syndrome as not really being ill. Another blog called Ango copies newspaper articles with permission from the local paper, but they found out the hard way that the paper doesn’t own all the articles it publishes. Strictly speaking, Ango is in the clear because it was acting in good faith – they too chose to take the 500 euro hit from Cozzmoss instead of risking a court case that might have cost thousands.

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November 13, 2007

Non refundable gift membership

Filed under: General by Orangemaster @ 5:00 am

I don’t dare get into Dutch politics because they’re nuttier than a nut farm, but when a political party gets into gift giving so close to Sinterklaas and Christmas, it’s time to crack some nuts.

Democratic political party D66 wants to give free memberships as gifts to attract new members. Party members can give memberships as gift certificates to acquaintances, friends and familiy (the only people that will listen to them). This madness will be launched at the party congress in Nijmegen this Saturday.

The gift certificate costs EUR 15, whereas a membership usually costs about EUR 30. So it’s a bargain apparently. If you don’t like your gift, you can’t get your money back and probably won’t be invited to cool parties in the future.

The D66 slogan read “Finally you’re a D66er” and the gift certificate comes in a festive packaging.

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November 12, 2007

Alarm clock with radio, mp3, photo frame

Filed under: Gadgets by Branko Collin @ 1:50 pm

If the idea of a Chumby is a little too much for you now, you might want to first try out its little brother with training wheels. The Philips AJL308 alarm clock with LCD screen comes with a built in FM radio, MP3 player, DIVX player, dual alarm times and photo frame. No weather report? Come on Philips, don’t make us look out the window!


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November 11, 2007

Librivox wants readers for Camera Obscura

Filed under: Literature by Branko Collin @ 3:59 am

Librivox is a project that produces public domain audiobooks. It has its volunteers record their readings of books that are in the public domain. Currently, the project is looking for new volunteers that want to participate in recording Nicolaas Beets’ Camera Obscura, a collection of short stories and essays in Dutch. To help out you need little more than a relatively modern computer, recording software (the free, cross-platform Audacity will do just fine) and a fast internet connection (to upload the result). The only piece of equipment that you may not have is good microphone. A good microphone almost certainly means an active USB mike, either a condenser mike or a dynamic one. You can use the cheaper microphones that typically come with your PC, but these often produce too much noise for the signal they provide.

See also at 24 Oranges: Dutch audiobooks at Librivox. Disclaimer: I am a volunteer of both Librivox and Project Gutenberg, the organization that provides Librivox with most of its source texts.

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