November 9, 2007

Zone 5300, 2007 autumn edition

Filed under: Comics,Design,Literature by Branko Collin @ 2:11 am

Literature opens doors, and eyes, and windows on the soul, some people say. But who is going to close all these entrances again? For instance, in the new Zone 5300 Maaike Hartjes reports from Japan that one of the most popular forms of manga for women there is gay manga for girls, including gay manga for girls set in Lord of the Ring’s Middle Earth and illustrated with a drawing of a smooching Aragorn as portrayed by Viggo Mortensen. How am I ever going to unknow that?!

Or what about this: the heyday of Holocaust porn? Let me rephrase that. What about this: Holocaust porn? Apparently quite popular in Israel during the Eichmann trial. Zone writes about tall blonde nazi women in tight leather skull adorned uniforms brandishing whips and presumably about to suck the life juices out of camp prisoners. The 2007 documentary Stalag by Ari Libsker explores the phenomenon.

At this point I am too jaded to get worked up over the fate of Virgil Mankiewicz, a man from Nebraska who got sentenced to death because his Siamese twin brother Homer got sentenced to death.

There’s also a short interview with Raoul Deleo, one of the two makers of De eenzame snelweg (The Lonely Motorway), a book describing the trip the authors took along the same route that Jack Kerouac describes in On The Road. Kerouac typed out his book on scrolls, and in true “method drawing” fashion Deleo copied that idea by constructing a case with a built-in scroll to draw on while on the road (see illustration).

Furthermore, there is a look at the fantastic work of Chuck Groenink (for instance: teabags hanging from a ceiling, dripping like corpses in a slaughterhouse), comics by Merel Barends and Jakob Klemencic, an excellent episode of Fool’s Gold (which I reported about earlier), and Wasco’s interpretation of Dick Bruna’s Zwarte Beertjes book covers (see illustration).

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November 8, 2007

Des Bouvrie designs a mobile chalet

Filed under: Design by Orangemaster @ 11:01 am

While the Dutch government is again trying to see if reclaiming land from the North Sea is possible in order to create some space in this densely populated if not overcrowded country, Dutch designer Jan des Bouvrie thinks everyone should have a second home that will run you almost half of a first one, which about 50% of the population cannot even afford.

Des Bouvrie has developed a mobile home that really looks like the Dutch design version of a chalet. It has lots of room, much light and a balance between inside and outside, architecture and interior. And then everything is bright white because then it wouldn’t be Jan des Bouvrie. I can’t picture kids playing outside coming inside and touching anything. The going price starts at EUR 115,000.

I would still go with an Airstream and I do not like the idea of any space looking like a mental institution, no matter how much space I get.

(Link: Telegraaf)

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November 7, 2007

From illegal cleaning lady to photographer

Filed under: Film,Photography by Orangemaster @ 8:00 am

Suzanne Raes has made a documentary about Hristina Tasheva, a Bulgarian woman who spent years cleaning people’s houses in Amsterdam illegally. Since Bulgaria joined the European Union in January 2007, Hristina can now live a more normal life as a photographer. But back then, she took pictures of the houses she cleaned. (This is not one of them!)

The documentary is called “The Houses of Hristina”. Her pictures provide an interesting look at the private lives of ‘average’ Amsterdam residents who live in those nice big houses on canals with high windows, wooden floors and primitive art on the walls.

The film will premiere at the International Documentary Film Festival (IDFA) 2007, held from November 22 to 2 December in Amsterdam and will be shown on TV in 2008.


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November 6, 2007

Pink cab trend hits Tilburg

Filed under: Automobiles,Dutch first by Orangemaster @ 3:24 pm

Women in and around the city of Tilburg, Noord-Brabant will soon be able to travel in special women’s taxis, it was announced today. The new company, which will operate on the same fare structure as regular cabs, has been founded by local businesswoman Tanja Schollen, who heads the cental station taxi company in Tilburg. The company employs only female drivers and caters exclusively to female clients. The taxi company, called the ‘Pink Lady Cab’, will initially operate with two cars, each of which will have pink roofs. They will work during the day and on weekend nights. “Female customers often indicate they feel safer with a female driver,” Schollen told reporters, “we also expect a lot of clients who for religious reasons prefer not to sit in a car with a strange man.” Female taxi companies have proven to be successful in several major cities in Europe and the Middle East, including London and Dubai.

So I guess after two years in London, trying it out in the Netherlands is a safe bet. Too bad no one has the brains or guts to do this in Amsterdam.

Here is more info over London’s Pink Ladies from 2005.

(Link:, Photo: Pink Ladies, London)

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November 5, 2007

Wake up to your iPod

Filed under: Design,Gadgets by Orangemaster @ 5:26 pm

The Dutch company Boynq has designed a new speaker called Wake Up for iPods (and apparently iPhones), which can be used as alarm clocks. The Wake Up can also recharge your iPod and iPhone. They claim to be “compatible with all new iPods and iPhones,” while the manual says “iPhones after January 1st” (no year mentioned). No price is mentioned and boy what a bunch of spelling mistakes in the manual. Sure looks pretty though.

(Link: gizmodo)

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November 4, 2007

36 blind people to drive cars

Filed under: Automobiles by Orangemaster @ 12:30 pm


On Friday, 16 November a group of 36 blind and sight-impaired will test drive cars at the racing circuit in Assen. Under the supervision of driving school instructors, the blind will learn all about driving cars. “Some people became blind later in life and want to have a go at driving a car. Other people believe it is a chance to fulfil a dream of having control over a car and get a feel for driving,” according to a spokesperson.

On the world famous car show Top Gear, a man called Billy Baxter, a British soldier who lost his sight after contracting a rare disease in Bosnia, sent a letter to the show and said he could drive round the track faster than this one guy with sight who wasn’t very good at it.


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November 2, 2007

Boomski avoided

Filed under: Science,Weird by Orangemaster @ 12:13 pm

A Czech delivery lorry carrying 500 kilos of explosives was found parked along motorway A13 near Delft. The story goes that the Czech driver was to deliver the explosives to the TNO, part of the Technical University of Delft, lost his way and asked the police for directions. The police gave him a fine as he did not have the right papers to transport explosives to the Netherlands.

So no GPS in the lorry, no proper road map I assume and no transport papers… aren’t we happy he wasn’t a terrorist.

(Link: Telegraaf)

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November 1, 2007

Levitating lamp models presented at Dutch Design Week

Filed under: Design by Branko Collin @ 6:52 am

A popular meme has people ask of every new gadget they see: will it blend? (make good use of that iPhone!). Well, us Dutchies just aren’t into blending. Our meme is: will it levitate? Having started with the levitating frog, invented the levitating bed, and re-invented the levitating man, we have now gone on to the levitating lamp. All thanks to designer Angela Jansen, who created these lamps using Crealev technology. I have no idea if these computer rendered designs will ever translate to real, buyable products though. On her website Angela Jansen writes that several of these models were shown at the Dutch Design Week.

For the religiously inclined Jansen has also come up with the levitating buddha and the levitating chalice.

(Via Engadget.)

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