East India Company themed bicycle bags
Does steering your bike into Dutch traffic make you feel like you’re navigating a stormy ocean, hundreds of miles away from the nearest shore? Are you consumed by dark longings of burning villages on Java? Does the idea of paying shareholders with pepper and cinnamon instead of cold hard cash turn you on? Relive the days of the Dutch East Indian Company with these handsome VOC bicycle bags!

The “Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie” (often abbreviated till VOC) was an extreme successful Dutch Company which transported goods oversea. Transporting goods is for many Dutchmen still a daily job, with this difference that nowadays it takes mostly place by bike. Enough reason for Basil – the producer of bicycle bags – to translate this into an unique concept: the double bag VOC! This VOC-bag has an archaeological tinge and refers to the period of the VOC, the time the Dutch ruled the seas.
Basil will show the double bag VOC at Eurobike 2007 in Friedrichshafen, Germany, from August 30 till September 2. No word on when it will be sold.
Via Dagelinks (Dutch).
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