Text message got students to see Obama live

On 16 January, two ‘poor students’ were at a congress called the Big Improvement Day in Amsterdam where Sir Richard Branson, CEO of the Virgin Group was a guest speaker. Through a back channel screen and using text messages (and oddly enough not free Twitter), people could ask Branson questions. Two guys jokingly asked him, “Would you bring two poor students to Washington?” to which Branson answered “yes” right away. They actually got to jet off to see Obama live yesterday. Cliché number one: ask, and you shall receive. Cliché number two: it’s easy to be off the cuff when you’re loaded.
Branson dropped the guys off in Washington, while the organisers of the congress offered to pay for their accommodations. Not bad.
(Link: rtl.nl)
It’ll be interesting to follow their exploits as they crawl their way back via Alaska, Siberia and Eastern Europe. (Or did somebody pick up the tab for their home flight?)