February 16, 2009

Miep Gies turned 100

Filed under: General,History by Branko Collin @ 8:31 am

Miep Gies, the woman who was important in Anne Frank’s life and pivotal in what we now know about Anne Frank turned 100 yesterday. In 1942, when the Frank family looked for a place to hide, Miep Gies, her husband Jan and three others helped the Franks stay hidden in the Achterhuis. Then, when through betrayal the Franks were taken to concentration camps, Gies managed to hide Anne Frank’s diary from the Nazis with the idea of giving it back to Anne after the war.

As a result, the world can now put a face to one of the millions that were murdered.

Even without the meddling of evildoers not many are given to live to a hundred. Sometimes karma just works. Miep, I hope you had a very good 100th birthday.

Photo: Anne Frank Stichting (Miep Gies in 1993).

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February 15, 2009

City of Leeuwarden lost its porn

Filed under: Weird by Branko Collin @ 10:35 am

The city of Leeuwarden has lost its porn stash archive, a staff member of the Historisch Centrum Leeuwarden reported last Thursday. The collection was part of a larger archive about everything to do with the Frisian capital, and was put together in the 1970s. Apparently the porn archive got lost during a move.

“It did not have its own spot,” the staff member told De Telegraaf (Dutch). The paper speculates that somebody stole the collection. Somehow it takes a Telegraaf reporter to imagine appreciation of second hand porn.

Totally unrelated photo of the Achmea Tower in Leeuwarden by FaceMePLS, some rights reserved. It was either this or a picture of a nun. I talk too much.

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February 14, 2009

Willy Wonka of weed will win trip to Amsterdam

Filed under: Film by Branko Collin @ 9:43 am

A UK film distributor has started a contest that will see its winner flown to Amsterdam, by plane that is, to collect a bag of marijuana. The distributor, Revolver Entertainment, is holding the contest to promote its film The Wackness.

Writes Revolver:

Yes, you heard us correctly! We’re offering the chance for you to win a fabulous weekend break for 2 to the city of smoke itself, the beautiful Amsterdam. But that’s not all… the lucky winner will also be able to pick up a complimentary bag of skunk from legendary Amsterdam café, Hill Street Blues.

Hidden within one of the first 1,000 DVDs of The Wackness is a Golden Ticket. Find the Golden Ticket and you win! It’s that simple.

Just as mayor Cohen thought he was getting rid of a certain type of British tourist

Link: BoingBoing. Photo by Sony Pictures.

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February 13, 2009

Anouk in New York: Jerusalem

Filed under: Music by Branko Collin @ 9:03 am

Here’s one to help you slide into the weekend with outward poise and heart aflutter. A girl from The Hague called Anouk shot this home video with two of her buddies while in what appears to be a hotel room in New York.

Tip ‘o the hat to Olaf for this find. Originally from Anouk’s website, but that one lacks all the Youtube niceties.

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February 12, 2009

Don’t eat bulbs, warns supermarket

Filed under: General,Nature,Weird by Branko Collin @ 7:51 am

This is one of those inside-the-asylum moments: Supermarket Albert Heijn sells baskets with flower bulbs, and at the bottom it says: “For decorative purposes only, do not eat.”

Inside-the-asylum moment? A reference to the late Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy books, in which one Wonko the Sane explains why the rest of us are living at the funny farm:

The sign read:

“Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.”

“It seemed to me,” said Wonko the Sane, “that any civilization that had so far lost its head as to need to include a set of detailed instructions for use in a package of toothpicks, was no longer a civilization in which I could live and stay sane.”

This is why he built himself a house that’s ‘outside’ the asylum.

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February 11, 2009

Container cupboards by Sander Mulder

Filed under: Design by Branko Collin @ 9:01 am

These cupboards by Sander Mulder are called Pandora and were made to look like shipping containers. I couldn’t find any pricing, but I figure that if you live in shipping containers you won’t be able to afford them.

Via BoingBoing, via Cribcandy.

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February 10, 2009

Third record for goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar

Filed under: Sports by Branko Collin @ 10:16 am

The British record for not conceding a goal is now also in the firm hands of Manchester United goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar. Previously, he had already taken the English league and English professional football records, but until last weekend the British record belonged to Scotland. Van der Sar—who helped his team win 1-0 from West Ham—has now gone 1,212 minutes without conceding a goal, bettering Bobby Clark’s 1,155 minutes.

Oddly enough, the English press continues to feel the need to point out that Van der Sar could not have done it without ManU’s fabulous back line. You have to wonder whether they would have kept repeating and repeating this obvious fact if the Dutch goalie had been British. Says The Times:

Van der Sar is enjoying a fine season, but to pass 20 hours (1,212 minutes to be precise) without conceding a league goal, as he did at Upton Park yesterday to set a British best, is testament to Manchester United’s unblinking confidence as much as the 38-year-old’s form.

The most difficult save he was required to make against West Ham was a routine catch from a shot by Lucas Neill. Pruning his roses at 78 will be harder work than that.

The next record in Van der Sar’s sights is the big one, the world record, currently held by Abel Resino of Atlético Madrid at 1,275 minutes.

Photo by Austin Osuide, some rights reserved.

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February 9, 2009

Advert plays on stereotype for women but not men

Filed under: General by Orangemaster @ 7:05 pm


I mailed one of the sponsors, Nyenrode Business Universiteit, to find out why they would back an advert like this. Just like one of the people commented in our first attempt at grasping this campaign, the point remains “don’t wiggle your arse and hope it’ll get you somewhere, instead choose the serious path”. Of course, we get that, but it misses the mark on stereotypes. Thanks to another person who commented on the latest Heineken advert where both women and men are stereotyped equally, I was able to make my point.

A nice communications manager over at Nyenrode called me and asked me why I thought this advert was sexist. I thought it was obvious, but apparently it was not. The male version of this advert, which I did not see but had vaguely heard of, has a man trying to get promoted by serenading his boss (also implied to be male) on the guitar. It might have worked if the boss was a woman, you could have had a cute Romeo and Juliet thing going, but no.

Coming back to the Heineken advert which shows women fauning over clothes and men over beer (both believable stereotypes), and the fact that the advert above has a male version allowed me to make my point that the female stereotype is very plausible (women could possibly get ahead by shaking their booty), while a man serenading his boss would never come to mind to a man trying to climb the corporate ladder. In other words, the adverts play on a female stereotype, but not a male one.

In both cases the managers are male, a stereotype that’s painfully true and bothers the Nyenrode man in his professional life, probably why he’s looking forward to seeing more women get an MBA at his establishment. He admitted having to explain the campaign to many of his colleagues, which I said had two possible reasons: one, the advert is brilliant and we’re all too stupid to get it or two, it’s poorly done and having to explain it means it’s a problem and could deter possible candidates.

Another reason why this advert doesn’t work is because in general Dutch women are not dyed-in-the-wool career women like in the US. I say US because the point of the advert is to obtain an MBA, which is an American concept. I also told him that since Dutch women aren’t big on careers (in general, no not everyone), the chances of them shaking their moneymaker to the top is even slimmer. He said, he wished Dutch women would understand that having a career is not something you do four days a week, something his busy career wife understands very well.

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The case of the mysterious shiny balls

Filed under: Architecture by Branko Collin @ 10:36 am

During a walk today cut short prematurely by the rain I came across these reflective spheres which are attached to a wall along a gated alley just off the Skutsjespad, across the ING head office. Does anyone know what they are there for? My guess is it’s some sort of art installation so that the people in the office building to the right have something more interesting to stare at than a blank wall. (You can see the ING House in the reflection of the left most ball.)

Yes, dear lazyweb, I did Google for the answer, but my search for skutsjespad balls “did not match any documents.” Anyway, it’s nicer to guess.

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February 8, 2009

Coffin made of Legos

Filed under: Shows by Branko Collin @ 9:08 am

A Lego nut had told the Mooi! Weer de leeuw show that she wouldn’t mind being buried in a coffin made of Legos, and the show’s producers obliged her last night … by giving her such a coffin. To make things complete they gave a fellow Lego addict a Lego urn and a Lego cake for after the funeral.

No idea if this is for real or just looks like Lego. You can catch the show here (I hope). The Lego bit is near the end, just before the segment where a ten year old girl declares that she’d like a non-childish colouring book, and gets a book with pictures of the murder of Pim Fortuijn and Teletubby porn.

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