March 2, 2009

Panorama Mesdag painting to be digitised

Filed under: Art,Technology by Orangemaster @ 1:18 pm

Panorama Mesdag, the largest cylindrical painting in Europe, located at the Panorama Mesdag museum in The Hague, is going to be digitised. It was painted by Hendrik Willem Mesdag, his wife Sientje Mesdag-van Houten, along with help from G.H. Breitner, T. de Bock and B.J. Blommers. It is apparently one of the world’s finest and largest surviving panoramas. The visitor’s platform is a dune, creating the illusion of being back at the nearby Scheveningen beach in 1880.

The panorama is 120 metres long and about 14 metres high, of which every brush stroke will be photographed. A total of 10,000 details of an exceptionally high resolution will be taken using a specially designed tripod.

The museum believes that this project, which will last for months, will provide countless possibilities for studies and restoration.

(Links:,, Photo by user Aldo, some rights reserved)

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March 1, 2009

Omnipresence in the 21st century

Filed under: Art,Religion,Weird by Eric @ 10:21 pm

Artist Johan van der Dong is on a holy mission. During a half-year long experiment, or work of art, Van der Dong wants to bring God closer to the modern man and woman, and got Him a (cell) phone. That definitely gives a new ring to the word ‘omnipresence’.

Van der Dong and a number of poets will leave recorded voice mail messages for people to listen to, in case God doesn’t want to answer his calls. The artist is hoping for people to leave their messages on God’s voice mail and intends to replay those messages in the ‘Kunstruimte Nooderstation Noordoost’ in Groningen. “Of course, we’ll do that in such a way that no one can recognise the voices”, says Van der Dong.

Now, you can call me cheap, but the Dutchman in me can’t help wondering why anyone would want to spend money calling a mobile phone number and getting his answering machine, while a simple prayer is for free and just as effective…

(Link: Telegraaf, Photo:

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Robert Jasper Grootveld, co-founder Provo movement dies

Filed under: Art,General,History by Branko Collin @ 10:54 am

On Saturday evenings their parents were watching the TV with their left eyes, and the cars in front of the houses with their right, seated on refrigerators and washing machines, with mixers in the one hand and copies of De Telegraaf in the other, and the children went to the Spui. […] When the electrical clock on the Lutheran church indicated it was midnight, the high priest appeared from an alley in full regalia, sometimes with painted face, sometimes masked, and started to walk magical circles around the nicotinian demon, his disciples clapping and singing the Cough Cough song all the while.

Thus describes Harry Mulisch in his book Report to the Rat King the happenings of self-proclaimed ‘anti-smoke mage’ Robert Jasper Grootveld who died last week at age 76.

I’ll just say it: Grootveld was instrumental in harnessing the counter-culture movement of the 1960s and helping decide its course, and as a result the course of the Netherlands. BN/De Stem calls him (Dutch): “the man who put Amsterdam on the map,” and Marijuana Library holds the Provo movement responsible for the Netherlands’ current drug laws.


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