April 8, 2009

Hiddink not happy with vodka named after him

Filed under: General,Sports by Orangemaster @ 10:52 am



There are vodkas named after famous Russians like Pushkin, Yeltsin, Gorbachev and Putin and now there’s talk of one called ‘Hiddinka’, named after Dutch coach Guus Hiddink who coaches the Russian national team. His claim to fame as of late is getting the Russians to the semi-finals of Euro 2008.

Although the vodka is scheduled to hit Russian stores today and the rights are not yet all sorted, Hiddink is very upset about his person being associated with a vodka brand. His spokesperson said that he never wanted to be associated with tobacco, alcohol or sex. Hiddink turns down hundreds of such requests, no matter what kind of money was being offered.

The to be expected answer from the distillery was “but it’s an honour to have a vodka named after you” and “it’s not called ‘Hiddink’, but ‘Hiddinka'”, making it a female singular adjective to qualify the vodka. Yes, that’s why what your poison is called ‘Stolichnaya’ (Capital) and ‘Moskovskaya’ (Moscow, as an adjective).

(Link: depers.nl, Photo: Russian version of “going Dutch” )

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April 7, 2009

Dutch region of Twente to open ’embassy’

Filed under: Dutch first,General by Orangemaster @ 10:36 am

The eastern provinceregion of Twente is planning to open what it calls an ’embassy’ in Amsterdam at the request of businesses who want to promote the region to a wider audience. The location will rent office space, serve food and drink, and be open to anyone interested in whatever Twente has to offer.

So far, all the possible office locations are in the Red Light District, making journalists’ life easier this morning with the puns and choice of photos. I can imagine that business people form Twente meeting Dutch and foreign clients in Amsterdam want to meet somewhere more pleasant than at the dreary Amsterdam train station plagued with the nowhere-near-ready subway station.

I think it’s a great idea, a nice way to connect with the some 20,000 people from Twente living in Amsterdam and obviously an excellent way to attract attention to the region. But what comes from Twente? Well, Grolsch beer (see photo) does, the only Dutch beer to really rival Heineken outside the country.

Come on, people of Twente, tell us more about your region and leave the fireworks factory explosion in Enschede and other nasty stories out of it!

(Link: enschede.tctubantia.nl)

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Festival of festival food

Filed under: Event by Branko Collin @ 8:06 am

Rollende Keukens, festival of festival food, Amsterdam, free entrance. www.rollendekeukens.nl.

April 6, 2009

Bigger figure skating jumps with new skates

Filed under: Dutch first,Sports by Orangemaster @ 9:27 am

As of 11 May, the skaters of the Holiday on Ice show in the Netherlands will test a new figure skate that will send them more than two metres in the air, according to Dutch skate manufacturer, Viking. If the skates are a success, they will be put to use as of 22 October 2009 during the new ‘Spirit of the World’ show. The skates apparently increase the jumping capacity of skaters by 40 to 50 percent.

(The skates shown here are just my old ones.)

(Link: blikopnieuws.nl, Photo: Jeroen)

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April 5, 2009

Crisis TV: fire your co-worker

Filed under: Shows by Branko Collin @ 1:13 pm

At the MIP fair in Cannes last week Dutch TV producer Endemol presented a TV format that pits co-workers against each other as they get to vote one another off a company’s payroll. This is about real companies, not just ones made up for the show, and real people with real jobs that feed children. The working title is Someone’s Gotta Go says Worldscreen.com, which adds that the producer has already sold the format to broadcaster Fox in the USA.

In Algemeen Dagblad (Dutch) Endemol’s Paul Römer explains that the programme will follow a mid-sized company that has been hit hard by the economic crisis. People will have to be fired there.

“We start by showing everybody’s salaries. After that we show which employees are valuable to the company. And who’s shirking their responsibilities. Who deserves a raise? Who deserves lower wages? And ultimately the employees must answer the question: who must be fired?”

Römer expects the show would also work in the Netherlands. His lawyers are undoubtedly busy trying to find out how to not run afoul of the Dutch worker protection laws.

Endemol is the firm of John de Mol, brother of Linda and father of Johnny, and is responsible for introducing the world to such upstanding TV programmes as Big Brother and Give the Whore a Chance. No, wait, I forgot, that last one was a parody by Mugmetdegoudentand. No, wait again, three years after the parody was broadcast, and the underlying concept widely rejected as too unrealistic, John de Mol did indeed make a reality show with prostitutes. Because that’s the kind of classy guy he is.

Illustration by Wikimedia user Stannerd, used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2.

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April 4, 2009

Too many people on vacation threaten Queen’s Day

Filed under: General by Orangemaster @ 12:23 pm

Since many families will be going away for two weeks (!) in May as school is out, some towns will not have enough volunteers to help out with all those Queen’s Day activities. Queen’s Day falls on Thursday, 30 April and many people will take Friday, 1 May off, which is not a holiday (Labour Day) in the Netherlands. Then they’re off to foreign countries with their caravans for two blissful weeks. Two weeks!

Although more people will stay home because of the recession, newspaper AD says many towns like Aerdenhout and Haarlem cancelled some Queen’s Day activities and sports events because they can’t find enough volunteers. Boo hoo hoo: two predominantly white, rich cities can’t find volunteers because the really rich folks will be gone. I will be working very hard both days, find out more here under ‘Upcoming’). Co-blogger Branko will be selling stuff on the country-wide flea market instead of buying this year and I promised to keep the coffee coming before working until 5 am the same evening.

The Royal Dutch Automobile Association (ANWB) estimated that about 450,000 people will be taking off. Do they all come from upscale Aerdenhout and Haarlem, and Rheden near Arhem, which I am assuming is white and loaded as well?

For those who don’t know: Good Friday (10 April) and Easter Monday (13 April) are days off, then comes Ascension (Thursday, 21 april – people often take Friday off too), and if that wasn’t enough for you, there’s Whit Monday (1 June).

And next year, Liberation Day (5 May) will also be a day off.

Boo hoo hoo.

(Link: ad.nl, Photo: Amsterdam Queen’s Day 1996)

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April 3, 2009

Traditional herring feast endangered

Filed under: Food & Drink,General by Branko Collin @ 12:20 pm

Lack of sponsors may cause the Vlaggetjesdag (Flag Day) festivities of Scheveningen to be cancelled this year, or to be shortened to an actual day, reports Algemeen Dagblad (Dutch). On Vlaggetjesdag the coming home of the herring fleet is celebrated in Scheveningen. Organiser Arie Kleijn is uncertain whether he can raise the half million euro the 62nd edition of the event would cost. Pledges usually come in at the start of the year, but this year he’s got nothing.

The commenters at Algemeen Dagblad seem to be happy with the disappearance of Vlaggetjesdag. They question its scale (small), the quality of its entertainment (second rate celebrities) and its cost (half a million for a few stalls?). They also reminisce about the old Vlaggetjesdag, when rather than receiving the fleet, the day was meant to celebrate the departure of hundreds of luggers adorned with many flags. Despite the critical attitude of the vocal readers of Algemeen Dagblad, Vlaggetjesdag rose from 62nd to 29th most popular national event last year, and brought 250,000 visitors to the village wedged in between The Hague and the North Sea.

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April 2, 2009

Zeeland to give free bicycle helmets to kids

Filed under: Bicycles,General,Sports by Orangemaster @ 8:35 am

Everytime I see parents with unprotected small children on their bikes, sometimes two, or when I see small children riding hard and recklessly in traffic without helmets, I cringe. And everytime single time I have brought this up at parties, the Dutch tell me to shut up because they know better and that no one gets hurt since they were all born on bikes.

If that really was the fantasy world we lived in, then handing out 35,000 free helmets to children in Zeeland would be a total waste of money, right? Over the next five years, the Zeeuws Coördinatiepunt Fiets (ZCF) in the province of Zeeland will be doing just that, handing out free bicycle helmets to stop children from getting injured or killed.

Last year, the emergency wards in Zeeland treated 4,000 children up to age 17 for head injuries. On an annual basis, 10 to 15 children under age 13 die in traffic riding bikes. About 20,000 children between age 0 and 12 get treated in hospitals as a result of a traffic acccident.

Imagine your cute kid dying because you think no one gets hurt on bikes. Blame all the cars? Write off Zeeland as a ‘different’ part of the country?

And then, the best argument of them all: snowboarders and mountainbikers use cool, hip helmets, what’s wrong with doing so on your bike? It’s not ‘tradition’? The statistics are wrong? Kids just don’t really get hurt?

Bravo Zeeland!

(Link: ad.nl, Photo: holcus.nl)

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April 1, 2009

Huskies in the polder

Filed under: Event by Branko Collin @ 12:42 pm

My youngest brother’s latest documentary is being broadcast by National Geographic Netherlands tonight. Last year he followed huskie drivers (mushers) Roderick Glastra and Sandra Makkreel around when they were training their sled dogs, and this year was present at the World Championships 2009 in Austrua, where Glastra won the sprint title in the 8-dog category.

The documentary will be repeated on April 5 and April 19.

Woman takes driving exam at age 74

Filed under: Automobiles by Orangemaster @ 10:10 am

Why bother taking your driving exam at that age? Because you’re a widow and need to get around, which is why Miep Derks from the town of Wijchen near Nijmegen is taking hers. Next Tuesday on her birthday at age 74, the energetic senior hopes to get her driving licence. In 2008 only 19 seniors above age 60 attempted to do so. The oldest candidate in Nijmegen was 64.

It took me three and half years (!) to get my Dutch driving licence (nine flippin’ tries and a hel-lu-va-lot of money). Driving in Amsterdam is tough, with all those bikes and trams, but driving in Nijmegen on the Keizer Karelplein roundabout from hell deserves a prize. It was modelled after the Place Charles-de-Gaulle in Paris, the huge roundabout around the Arc de Triomphe, which is really nasty, too.

(Link: gelderlander.nl, Photo dennismartijn.nl)

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