October 22, 2009

Scheringa museum half empty and free to visit

Filed under: Art by Orangemaster @ 8:00 am

Back in May, we told you about the Scheringa Museum getting robbed at gunpoint. That’s right, the museum named after Dirk Scheringa, art collector and owner of the museum as well as director of the very recently bankrupted Dutch DSB bank.

Not only did the museum reopen its doors on 21 October, but you no longer have to pay the 7 euro to get in: it’s free, since it’s only half full. Although the robbery only deprived the museum of a priceless Dali and a Lempicka, the Dutch ABN Amro bank has confiscated Scheringa’s entire collection, resulting in a half empty museum. In some halls on the nails that held up many a painting notes have been placed by staff asking visitors to leave their comments about the ‘situation’.

(Link: trouw, Photo: postdam.blogspot.com)

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October 21, 2009

Funk band Gotcha! back together

Filed under: Music by Branko Collin @ 8:54 am

Funk band Gotcha! was doing well in the early 1990s, and then suddenly dropped from view. Turns out they broke up due to unspecified differences of opinions.

I went to one of their concerts in 1992, and really enjoyed it, so it is good to hear that they patched up those differences and got back together again, and are due to embark on a tour of ten concerts. Beef founders Pieter Both and Koen Lommerse even took a sabbatical to be able to play in Gotcha! again.

Check the band’s website for all the tracks of their second, 1993 album Gotcha! Gotcha!

(Link: LiveXS. Source illustration: Gotcha!)

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October 20, 2009

Industry lobbyist exaggerates legal download market

Filed under: General by Branko Collin @ 8:15 am

legal_videos_arnoud_engelfrietNVPI, an organisation representing the ‘Dutch’ entertainment industry*, recently called for harsher measures against legal copying in the Netherlands, pointing out that there is a ‘sufficient’ supply of stores offering really legal downloads**. However, as Internet lawyer Arnoud Engelfriet points out, they are stretching the truth a bit.

There are indeed 19 online stores selling legal video downloads to the Dutch, but as Engelfriet’s research shows, hardly any of them sell the movies people want to buy. The article is in Dutch, but the accompanying table speaks volumes. Engelfriet compared the 100 videos currently most popular at Bol.com to what NVPI’s champions were offering.

*) Amongst which such familiar ‘Dutch’ giants as Disney, EMI, and Nintendo.

**) I realize this must be confusing. Basically, NVPI wants to outlaw what is known as file sharing, which is currently legal in the Netherlands for some types of creative works.

(Illustration: Arnoud Engelfriet.)

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October 19, 2009

Football cup that any team can win

Filed under: Sports,Weird by Branko Collin @ 8:34 am

The Helmond Cup is an unofficial football championship grafted onto official competitions. The team that beats the last champion in an official match becomes the new champion, so that you get a chain of champions across many unrelated competitions.

It was founded by the Huisman family from Hillegom, avid fans of Helmond Sport, a club that has yet to get out of the Dutch second division. Since it was founded in 2008, the Helmond Cup was won and held shortly by teams from the Netherlands, France, Ukraine and Spain. You can it follow its travels at the Ajaxtalk forums.

A similar cup is the Unofficial Football World Championships, founded by Scotland fans when Scotland beat archnemesis England, who were then the real world champions. Currently, the Netherlands hold that trophy, although we might lose it next month when playing Italy in a friendly match.

(Photo by Wikimedia user Carolus Ludovicus, some rights reserved.)


October 18, 2009

Van Gogh’s letters and Max Havelaar in English

Filed under: Art,History,Literature by Branko Collin @ 11:34 am

English translations of Vincent van Gogh’s letters to his brother Theo have been released in a 6 volume boxed set by the Van Gogh Museum in a 15-year-long cooperation with the Huygens Instituut. The original letters in French and Dutch have also been reproduced.

The entire set contains all the pictures referenced in the letters, that is, all 4,300 of them, The Guardian reports.

If you don’t feel like shelling out the 325 UKP that the set is undoubtedly worth, you can also read the letters and their translations at vangoghletters.org. The Huygens Instituut is part of the Dutch academy for sciences.

Story via Eamelje.net (Dutch), who in a totally unrelated story also points out that another Dutch giant of the 19th century, writer Multatuli, published his masterpiece Max Havelaar 150 years ago last Tuesday. The Havelaar has been in translation for a long time, and a public domain English version can be found at Google Books.

If you do not like PDF or EPUB, you might be able to extract the HTML version from the EPUB file (which is just a ZIP archive under a different name).


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October 17, 2009

Pillars supporting Amsterdam are slowly crumbling

Filed under: Architecture by Branko Collin @ 11:16 am

As you may know, Amsterdam was basically built in what can perhaps best be described as a swamp, and as it happens peat is not the best conceivable supporter for brick. Early Amsterdam residents got around this problem by driving huge wooden poles into the bog until it hit firmer ground and then building their houses on top of this wooden foundation.

It turns out, Parool says, that a changing climate is leading to longer droughts, which in turn lowers the water level and causes the poles to dry out and crumble.

It is mostly privately owned houses that are in danger of collapsing, as housing corporations have already replaced their pillars.

The Parool article quotes alderman Maarten van Poelgeest and a spokesperson of Waternet who both say that the situation is serious without going into much detail, although the latter says that “there is no need to panic, this won’t be an issue before 2040.”

(Photo by Wikipedia user Dohduhdah)

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October 16, 2009

Hacker students score pizza for pennies

Filed under: Food & Drink,General,Online by Orangemaster @ 10:10 am

If students and pizza (and probably beer) is not the perfect combination, then imagine students and pizza for next to no money and the money to buy beer.

For months, hundreds of students from cities such as Groningen, Breukelen and Utrecht had been getting pizza from Dutch website Justeat.nl for EUR 0.01 or 0.05 after hacking into the payment system. Just before paying for the pizza through an online banking system, a page was added somewhere to be able to change the final price to a few cents. In other words, the payment system wasn’t installed properly and certainly not secure.

The manager of the website is going to try and get the students to pay for the pizzas after all, as he’s out EUR 30,000. I think he should kick the IT incompetents he hired to install the payment system on his site really hard and claim damages (we don’t run out and sue here). It’s not like he’s the first ever online restaurant using the highly praised and easy-to-use Ideal payment system. Going after the smart students is easier, but lame, and they have no money.

(Link: nu.nl, Photo of Pizza pie by Adam Kuban, some rights reserved)

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October 15, 2009

The Dutch doctor is in via Twitter

Filed under: Dutch first,Health by Orangemaster @ 11:00 am

Family doctors Erik Jansen and Bart Brandenburg from Nijmegen have taken their pratice online and become the Netherlands’ first Twitter doctors. By following @tweetspreekuur you can ask questions about your health. They provide as much advice as they can, and will tell you to consult your own doctor or to call an emergency number if they think something is really wrong.

Of course, you can also get some privacy by getting a login at tweet.webspreekuur.nl (type it in your search engine).

And I’m very happy the working stethoscope I bought for EUR 0,20 on Queen’s Day from a nurse this year was put to good use.

(Link: componence)

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October 14, 2009

Seal rehabilitation centre needs pools and bathtubs

Filed under: Animals by Orangemaster @ 11:36 am

Due to an unexpected rise in beached seals, seal rehabilitation centre Lenie ‘t Hart in Pieterburen, Groningen has called out for help in the form of bathtubs and pools. Yesterday morning, Radio 538 personality Edwin Evers told listeners to contribute, and so they did.

A spokesowman said that “more than 100 swimming pools and bathtubs were offered to them, even a jacuzzi.” The centre can handle about 80 seals a year and at the moment, they have more than 100 seals at one time. I suppose anyone who wants to help after reading this is more than welcome (info in English).

(Link: telegraaf, Photo: Photo of Seals by GerardM. Used under the terms of GNU FDL)

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October 13, 2009

New exhibition for one visitor an hour

Filed under: Art by Orangemaster @ 11:29 am

As of 26 October, the Mondriaan house museum in Amersfoort will be holding an exhibition entitled ‘Steven Aalders verbindt…’ (‘Steven Aalders connects’), which apparently must be viewed by one visitor at a time for 60 minutes. The idea is to turn the museum into a silent place where visitors can ‘let the art wash over them’ and ‘enjoy the empty spaces of the halls’. The exhibition features sculptures, architecture and music.

Yes, Piet Mondriaan (or anglicised to ‘Mondrian’) is that Dutch artist who went from painting landscapes and flowers to those grids with red, blue and yellow squares. Oh, and he was born in that house in Amersfoort.

(Link: haarlemsdagblad, Photo by Elly Waterman, some rights reserved)

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