January 11, 2010

Dutch railways still has no iPhone app

Filed under: Online by Orangemaster @ 6:03 pm
iPhone beaver

Way back in October 2008, we wrote about the NS (Dutch railways) not being happy about IT student Dennis Stevense kicking their butts and producing a quality iPhone application called Trein’ (‘Train’) for train schedules. Apparently, if there was any glimpse of copyright or database issues, the NS has done nothing about since then except whine that they don’t have an application after all. The NS has legally asked Stevense to stop with his application and he ignored them. What the NS has been incapable of doing since 2008 (or lied about) Stevense whipped up in three weeks.

With all the snow, delays and problems with trains as of late, ‘Trein’ has become very popular, as more and more people own an iPhone and are downloading his application. He even said he received numerous compliments from train staff that his application works better than the mini-computers they use for their work. He also claims he can live off the money he is making from downloads and will start his own business.

(Link: zibb.nl, Photo: Stevenojobs)

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TNT to outsource illegible mail recognition

Filed under: General by Branko Collin @ 11:47 am

Former Dutch mail monopolist TNT is testing the outsourcing of bad handwriting recognition by video coding to Mexico, India and The Philippines, Nederlands Dagblad reports.

About 6% of all handwriting on envelopes cannot be recognised by computers, and so a system is currently in place where illegible envelopes are photographed and Dutch employees create a bar code encapsulating the correct address based on that picture.

The Nederlands Dagblad reports that only a few temporary workers will suffer the consequences, but it may be that the Christian newspaper is not telling the whole truth. According to an article in De Volkskrant, sorting mail is done almost exclusively by traditional postal workers, whereas the actual delivery is done by part-time employees.

TNT is suffering the double whammy of a reclining mail volume and the opening of the market to other parties who often pay much lower wages. The company expects to have to fire 11,000 of its 23,000 full-time employees by 2015.

(Photo by FaceMePLS, some rights reserved.)

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January 10, 2010

Etten-Leur buys bath salts against frost

Filed under: Automobiles,Nature by Branko Collin @ 4:29 pm

The city of Etten-Leur in Noord-Brabant has purchased 18 tonnes of bath salts to sprinkle roads with, in an attempt to keep the roads from freezing.

Salt lowers the temperature at which water freezes. Municipalities and Rijkswaterstaat keep about 100,000 tonnes of coarse ‘strooizout’ (lit. sprinkling salt) ready to keep roads clear from snow and black ice at temperatures of about -10 degrees Celsius or higher. Because of this year’s wintry conditions, some municipalities have already run out of stock.

Etten-Leur’s bath salt stems from a batch condemned by its producers. Some of the salt already had perfume and colouring added. The city expects to not have to use its bath salts, as new shipments of regular road salt is expected to arrive this weekend. According to Radio Netherlands, “the coloured bath salts smell of lavender, green tea and mango.”

The minister of internal affairs, Guusje ter Horst, has given the green light to produce more road salt than usual, despite environmental concerns. Strooizout is a very aggressive product that can rust cars faster, changing the selection of fauna along roads, leading to maritime plants growing inland.

(Photo by Flickr user sburke2478, some rights reserved)

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January 9, 2010

Photos of 13 neighbours’ apartments

Filed under: Photography by Branko Collin @ 1:08 pm

Susanne Gilsing, an anaesthetist’s assistant from Utrecht, knocked on the doors of her neighbours on the Tuyllkade in Utrecht to ask them if she could take a photo of them in their living room, and twelve agreed.

Including the photo of her own apartment you now have a unique series documenting what thirteen Dutch families chose to do with more or less the same space. Use Flickr’s slideshow feature for the best effect.

(Link: l-rs.org.)

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January 8, 2010

Wanted Dutch criminal already in jail

Filed under: Dutch first,Weird by Orangemaster @ 11:13 am

“One of the Netherlands’ eight most wanted criminals has turned out to be in jail in Belgium since 2008. To the embarrassment of the Dutch justice authorities, the fact that man is serving a 10-year sentence there only became known after they had released their ‘most wanted’ list.”

Seven more to go!

A few days ago, there was a whole discussion about whether publishing the list was a good idea, the pros, the cons (darn those puns) and the usual round table discussion that fuels evening television in the Netherlands. The irony was that releasing a list of eight heavy duty criminals was a first and the goal was to let the public help.

I can picture it now. After not having received any info in 2007 from Belgium on the whereabouts of this bad man once he was off the Dutch radar, some employee checked off the box ‘AWOL’ or something and that was that. Somehow, the bad man landed in jail in Belgium and no information was given on that and the box ‘AWOL’ remained checked. Don’t you just love this European Union thing sometimes.

(Link: rnw.nl, Photo of Schie prison by Miek37, some rights reserved)

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January 7, 2010

Traditional Dutch food to go in Utrecht

Filed under: Food & Drink by Orangemaster @ 2:19 pm

In 2008, we posted about Mailing food, an Amsterdam start-up that served stamppot and other food, and now Utrecht is following suit with a new chain of stamppot restaurants, with dreams of conquering New York City in the future. Stamppot to go opened ‘quietly’ on 17 December 2009, but should have a proper grand opening soon. Although stamppot is winter food, they will be open in the summer with summer variants.

For one, I’m thrilled someone is pushing food domestically that many of us here eat, counterbalancing the madness at pushing cheese on Asians in general who are quite lactose-intolerant or pushing the cheese slicer (‘kaasschaaf’) (a Norwegian invention) on Americans as the next best thing since sliced bread (pardon the pun). Although potaotes are South American in origin, smoked sausage is a Dutch invention and that’s what makes the stamppot a great dish.

(Link: zibb.nl, Photo of an endive potato mash with meatless sausage by Jasja Dekker, some rights reserved)

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January 6, 2010

Gay wine: bad taste or good marketing?

Filed under: Food & Drink,Weird by Orangemaster @ 4:17 pm

Slowly but surely Dutch consumers are grasping the idea of enjoying wine and matching it up with food, wine fans keep telling me. Despite the lack of proper tasting and buying wine by numbers instead of actually being interested in pesky details like regions and vines, Dutch business people have tons of creative ways to get people drinking wine without thinking too hard.

That said, the idea of a ‘Chardongay’, which isn’t even a Chardonnay but a mix of Chenin Blanc and Colombard, while the red version (getting confused now) is straight Cabernet Sauvignon, pun intended, just sounds, well, blah. Vinamis, the company who thought this up apparently couldn’t find an acceptable cheap Chardonnay (bless you). And since we’re driving through cliché-ville, what about a rosé? It’s coming out later, as well as the bubbly.

I think it’s a slightly funny idea that is akin to drinking Arrogant Frog wine (see photo). It leaves lesbians out in the cold because hey, they don’t drink anyways (cliché) and the wine is going for the funny name. But, OK Arrogant Frog isn’t that bad and it’s cheap.

(Link: telegraaf.nl, Photo of Arrogant Frog wine by Martin Ujlaki, some rights reserved)

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Blow-up doll art meets sports

Filed under: Art,Sports by Orangemaster @ 11:30 am
sportjasbal 01

This artwork called ‘Sports jacket ball’ was made by Dutch artist Sander Reijgers. His work caught my attention because it uses sports fabrics as well as actual blow-up dolls. This football with a black blow-up doll is appropriately called ‘Black Woman’ and yes, I dare speculate it’s a nodd to the 2010 World Cup football in South Africa.

(Link: trendbeheer.com)


January 5, 2010

Smoking advert along motorway causes panic

Filed under: Automobiles,General,Weird by Orangemaster @ 12:11 pm

The fire brigade got tipped twice that smoke had been spotted along motorway A4 in Hoofddorp, North Holland and both times, it was just a smoking advert. Car insurance company Ditzo had a big billboard advert with a time-clock giving off a lot of smoke, as if the Audi in the advert had car trouble. Motorists called 112 (the Dutch emergency number), as apparently the ‘joke’ was not very obvious. The marketing people probably thought this was brillant and it is a cool idea, except when in actual practice it fails and causes problems.

Allow me to show you what it looks like when you do this right, and by right I mean without causing panic and maybe even up for yet another award. Cossette Communications in Canada had a steam machine built into a bus shelter giving off periodic burts to announce that coffee was ready, which you can read straight away and which doesn’t make you want to call 911 (North American emergency number). I file this one under ‘zo kan het ook’, which means ‘it can also be done this way’.

(Link: webregio.nl)


January 4, 2010

Naked assassinated politican for sale on ebay

Filed under: Art,History,Photography by Orangemaster @ 12:28 pm
Picture 1

This photograph taken in 1977 of murdered, controversial gay politician Pim Fortuyn is up for grabs on ebay, bidding starts at EUR 495. If we can trust the description, it was ordered by Fortuyn, was never published and is authentic, on proper paper and all that jazz.

Pim Fortuyn, leader and founder of the LPF (Pim Fortuyn List, a party named after him) was murdered at the Hilversum mediapark (where all our radio and telly is located) by Volkert van der Graaf, a Caucasian male (that has to be said) who was upset at Fortuyn’s harshness towards Muslims.

(Link: parool.nl, Photo: Ebay)
