July 15, 2010

Giethoorn, a Dutch village with no roads

Filed under: Film,General,Nature by Orangemaster @ 4:46 pm

In the eastern province of Overijssel there is a lacustrine village called Giethoorn that has no roads, although according to wikipedia there is a bike path. Saying that is a ‘Venice of the North’ is a cliché since people call Amsterdam and St. Petersburg, Russia that already and with good reason. Giethoorn (referring to the horns of a goat) has some 2620 inhabitants, one of which we wrote about, Siegfried Woldhek, a famous caricaturist.

Back in 2008, Giethoorn celebrated the 50th anniversary of the film ‘Fanfare’ by Bert Haanstra, which was filmed there. See the news clip and bits of the film here:

You can always have a look at an elaborate video of Giethoorn, which starts with people skating over the water in winter:

(Links: Presurfer, Wikipedia)

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July 14, 2010

Dutch youth heavily binge drinks on Crete

Filed under: General by Orangemaster @ 11:01 am


Apparently, the popular city of Hersonissos on the Greek island of Crete is a popular piss-up destination of Dutch youth. And they get really blasted, and the numbers are scary, and thousands of young people end up in the hospital. Oh, and the boys drink 3-4 times as much as the girls if they go on holiday alone. This is as alarming as it is unflattering. You could easily compare it to the Americans going to some Caribbean island to drink without their parents around, Canadians doing spring break in Florida (guilty, I have it on tape to prove it, and I was of US drinking age), or the British going to Ibiza, Spain and coming home with sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

When I booked my very first vacation to Crete (where these pics come from) back in 2006, these Dutch cafés were mostly in or around Hersonissos, the city everyone told me to avoid. I stayed east of Hersonissos, walked along the coast to it, and kept going to Heraklion, the capital of Crete were the Cretians and normal tourists congregate.

You can’t miss the Dutch enclaves of orange, Dutch beer and Dutch junk food if you’re in Hersonissos, ‘littering’ the view of the old town. I can only imagine what that is like at night. I sipped Metaxa quietly at my hotel with the owner at night, a born and bred Cretian man who told great stories.

An elderly man at a bar on a terrace in Montréal one summer once said to me there were two distinct ways of drinking: alpha and omega, the A and Z of the Greek alphabet. Alpha was drinking too quickly (now referred to as ‘binge drinking’ ) and according to his gross generalisation, the way most of the Anglo-Saxon-oriented world seems to drink: cheap, shots, happy hour specials and quick, and all about quantity, not quality. Omega was the opposite, it was sipping good wine slowly the entire day in the sun on a terrace and getting wasted every so slowly like he was doing.

Even though it is – and I repeat – a gross generalisation, it has stuck with me all these years.


(Link: volkskrant.nl)

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July 13, 2010

Oranje gets orange-clad welcome from fans

Filed under: Sports by Orangemaster @ 5:32 pm

As I write this, some 500,000 people are currently not at work and partying with the Dutch football team back from South Africa at the Museumplein in Amsterdam almost like they actually won the World Cup. The team first took a boat tour through Amsterdam’s canals and I can see them drinking beer and dancing to our beloved techno-trance music on telly.

Why bother when your team has lost? Because getting that far in the World Cup feels like a win. Because it was planned in case we won, and hey, people want to party. Because it’s summer and nobody really wants to be working.

Because the newly elected goverment can’t agree on a coaltion formation, meaning we have no government at the moment and therefore, not too much news.

Here’s what it looked like in 1988 when the Dutch won the European Cup:

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July 12, 2010

US news site claims Netherlands won World Cup

Filed under: Sports,Weird by Orangemaster @ 1:09 pm


Sloppy American journalism from ‘trusted’ news source CBS.

Surely this was a draft that never should have gone online, but the sloppy people at CBS news are making headlines and freaking people out with their glaring incompetence.

Read the whole sloppy story.

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Sailboat uses wind power to generate electricity

Filed under: Gadgets,General,Sustainability by Branko Collin @ 10:54 am

Well. Well well well. Ah well.

In other news, astronaut-inventor Wubbo Ockels is at it again. For the past five years he has been working on a hybrid, energy-neutral ketch called Ecolution and it is almost ready.

The boat has a diesel engine that drives electric engines that in turn drive the propeller. When the boat is sailing, the process is partly reversed and the propellers generate electrical power which is stored in 10,000 kg of batteries that double as ballast. This Ethereal-like design generates a maximum of 20 kW, and the batteries can store up to 300 kWh, which should be enough to satisfy the hungriest of on-board luxury appliances.

Ecolution is marketed as a sailboat that can be operated by anyone, as computers and electric motors do the heavy lifting.

Anyway, go read the PDF, there’s too much to mention here. The Ecolution will be on display during Hisway 2010 (August) and will then be operated for test runs from Scheveningen until June 2011.

More of Ockel’s inventions:

(Link: Het Kan Wel. Photo: Ecolutions.)

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July 11, 2010

Researchers pay fans to watch the World Cup final

Filed under: Health,Sports by Branko Collin @ 3:29 pm

heart_rate_monitorResearchers of the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam will be paying both Dutch and Spanish fans 150 euro a person to come over and watch the final of the 2010 World Cup football between Spain and the Netherlands at an on-campus bar tonight.

The scientists wish to find out more about stress. Subjects will be hooked up to equipment that tracks their heart rate. The fans had to show up yesterday for a pre-measurement, and have to stay for an hour and a half after the match, so it’s not all fun and games.

(Link: Telegraaf, Photo by Mike Gebbis, some rights reserved)

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July 10, 2010

“Kempes!” I shouted, and I had no idea what it meant

Filed under: Sports by Branko Collin @ 11:19 am

The last time the Dutch football team were in the World Cup final I was 10 years old and I had yet to discover the joys of watching the sport on television. I much rather went outside and played football in person with the neighbourhood children on a patch of grass that sharply declined towards the street, so that you always had to try and kick uphill, just to be sure.

Before our matches started, the other children would shout “Kempes!” For a while I thought this had something to do with determining which side got to start the game, and I shouted along, trying to gain our side an advantage, and drawing bewildered looks. Later, I learned that the kids shouting “Kempes” wanted to ‘be’ Mario Kempes, the Argentinian forward who helped beat the Netherlands in the final of that year. You always pretended to be a superstar football player, and since there could not be two of you on the pitch, you had to make sure you called your guy first, lest you ended up being Jan Jongbloed (an accomplished goal keeper, but a goal keeper nonetheless).

Mario Kempes was held to be the absolute top brand footballer that year. No other player came close in popularity (although the loser’s call was almost always “Cruyff,” even though Cruyff had refrained from playing in the Argentinian World Cup).

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July 9, 2010

Psychic parakeet picks the Netherlands to win

Filed under: Animals,Sports,Weird by Orangemaster @ 12:24 pm

Silly season (lack of newsworthy news, due to summer vacation, aka ‘komkommertijd’ (‘cucumber season’) is upon us.

And whether we like it or not (we do, of course), nothing counts more right now than the Dutch winning the World Cup football.

After Paul the Octopus from Oberhausen predicted all the German matches correctly, including their loss to Spain, Mani the psychic parakeet in Singapore has chosen the Netherlands as a winner over Spain to win the World Cup football.

“Muniyappan, Mani’s owner, has helped him predict the future for five years at a table in front of a restaurant in the Little India neighbourhood, but this year’s World Cup is the first time the parakeet has attempted to forecast the outcome of sports competitions.”

We are all dying to find out what Paul thinks, too. The rumours so far are that he has predicted Spain, but considering the lack of links and typos in those links, I’m not sure Paul has spoken at this time.

The Netherlands currently has the biggest bout of ‘oranjekoorts’ (‘orange fever’) in over 32 years. Everything everywhere from the baker to the cafe on the corner is decorated orange, worse than on Queen’s Day. Win or lose, we’ll surely be taking pictures.

UPDATE: Dutch telly has shown footage of Paul the Octopus choosing Spain.

(Link: guardian.co.uk)

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July 8, 2010

Free oral sex if Netherlands wins the World Cup

Filed under: Animals,Sports,Weird by Orangemaster @ 10:57 am

Dutch pornostar Bobbi Eden twittered that she and her girlfriends will give out free blowjobs to her followers if Oranje (Dutch football team) wins the cup.

The link below said she had 5,000 followers, now 20,000, but I just checked and she’s up to 60,532. I say, recruit some more girlfriends.

If that’s not weird enough, we’re all waiting for Paul the psychic octopus to make his predictions for the final, Netherlands vs. Spain. Paul, in an aquarium in Oberhausen, Germany, predicted Spain would win the semi-final against Germany and they did. “He correctly predicted all five of the team’s previous World Cup games – including a shock defeat by Serbia in the group stages.”

Watch Paul (not Bobbi) in action:

(Link: rtl.nl)

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July 7, 2010

World Cup 2010 on the big screen

Filed under: Sports by Branko Collin @ 11:53 pm

The powers that be showed the Germany – Spain match on the big screen just outside the Amsterdam Zuid railway and metro station tonight. Travellers from as far as 200 metres behind me, waiting there for the bus on the viaduct, were watching. Miroslav Klose fought hard for the ball at the Spanish back line and managed to capture it, and people clapped.

Germany lost in the end. Schade, Deutschland.

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