October 10, 2010

Parool newspaper doesn’t want to pay for its daily strip

Filed under: Comics by Branko Collin @ 11:25 am

A row in Dutch comics land! About a month ago newspaper Parool called for fresh cartoonists and then told them that it would not pay them for their work.

Comics artist Sandra de Haan did not like this one bit and started a Facebook page called “Stripmakers zouden geen gratis strips aan kranten moeten leveren” (Comics makers should not let newspapers publish them for free), and fellow Zone 5300 editor Michael Minneboo wrote about the whole brouhaha.

Turns out that Parool was looking for amateur comics artists who could use a leg up in the big bad world of publishing. Editor-in-chief Barbara van Beukering admitted the mistake to Minneboo: “The text in our call [for comics] could definitely be called misleading, for which I apologize.”

Parool has since then changed the wording of its advertisement.

You would think that with the funk that both the newspaper industry and the European comics industry are in, the two groups would treat each other with a bit more understanding.

At the least the affair led to another Brom & Vlieg episode which can be read—absolutely free of charge —at Sandra’s website.

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October 9, 2010

iPhone app developer catches iPhone thief using his app

Filed under: Gadgets,Gaming by Branko Collin @ 2:30 pm

A thief stealing an iPhone got caught after logging into the online game Merchant, Bright reports.

The phone belonged to Merchant developer Richard Osinga who kept an eye out for his phone’s IP number, and sure enough the dumb thief decided to try out the game and inadvertently handed himself in that way.

Osinga’s blog does not mention what data he collected to be able to find the thief. It took the police half a year to catch the criminal, but last Thursday they finally could report to the victim that they had got his iPhone back.

(Photo: Merchant.)

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October 7, 2010

Nobel Prize for physics with Dutch flavour

Filed under: General,Science by Orangemaster @ 1:09 pm

And we’re back with a Nobel Prize winning edition of ‘Zoek de Nederlander’ (’Find the Dutch person’), with Russian-born Dutch physicist André Konstantinovich Geim, co-winner of these year’s Nobel Prize for Physics and his partner, Konstantin Sergeevich Novoselov, a Russian-British physicist. Geim is happy to have a ‘Western’ passport having chucked his Russian nationality like mouldy bread after years of frustration, while Novoselov has his reasons for enjoy dual citizenship. Either way, both these men were able to make their dream come true and future generations will surely be able to enjoy their discovery.

They were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics this year “for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene.” Surf the net and you’ll find cool videos and explanations with magnetized frogs and graphite pencils.

This material called ‘graphene’ was long thought to be unstable, as it is only one atom thick.” Geim and Novoselov used scotch tape to drop graphene, a single layer of graphite onto a piece of silicon, and the rest is history.

(Links: rnw.nl, montrealgazette)

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October 6, 2010

People who lack control believe in God over Darwin

Filed under: General,Religion,Science by Orangemaster @ 11:51 am

“People who feel like they have no control over their lives are more inclined to believe in religion (and therefore ‘creationism’) than Darwin’s theory of evolution (‘darwinism’), as compared to people who feel they have control over their lives.”

This conclusion and the research leading up to it by Bastiaan Rutjens, Joop van der Pligt and Frenk van Harreveld of the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) is to be published next month in Deus or Darwin: Randomness and belief in theories about the origin of life. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (Vol. 46, November 2010, pag. 1078-1080).

Darwin’s theory of evolution is a theory based on facts and is by no means complete, while the ‘theory’ of God having created the world is much older, a fascinating read with little or no facts. There is no clear winner, but then again maybe unicorns really exist too. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around how we’re able to send people to the moon, but still make crappy ballpoint pens that blob.

The research showed that one of the main reasons for rejecting the theory of evolution is its randomness. People who need control in their lives are not big fans of randomness and are more likely to adopt a theory with less randomness as supplied by most world religions. Oh and don’t forget the unicorns.

(Link: fmg.uva.nl, Photo: sunstonetours.wordpress.com)

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October 5, 2010

Cat buys tickets for a musical online

Filed under: Animals,Online,Shows by Orangemaster @ 10:16 am

I know what you’re thinking, if the musical was ‘Cats’ it would be a lot funnier.

A young Dutch woman in a small village was surfing some bidding site and her cat jumped on the keyboard because that’s what cats do when they want your attention. Unknowingly, the cat scored some tickets to the musical ‘ We Will Rock You’, which meant the woman was out 51 euro.

This is my cat Pussyminou (RIP), the bilingual cat, about 10 years ago on my desk. She just liked to sleep there. The vintage of my computer says it all.

(Link: waarmaarraar.nl)


October 4, 2010

Double pillow

Filed under: Design by Branko Collin @ 9:34 am

The Slaapaap is a double-sized pillow designed by among others Maarten Mulder, Bright writes.

This pillow would probably go well with the mattress size called twijfelaar, ‘doubter’ (twin bed), which is somewhere between a single and a full, and which is very popular in the tiny bedrooms of the Dutch inner city. The price (60 euro) makes one wonder though who would buy this. For that money, I would take sewing lessons and make one myself.

(Photo: Slaapaap.com)

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October 3, 2010

Guerilla roundabout art: fat lady sitting on hamburger

Filed under: Art by Branko Collin @ 3:15 pm

Rotterdammers spotted this foam lady at a local roundabout last week.

Two days later and she had lost her head, a leg and an arm. The statue was made by Hans Kleinjan.

(Photo by Trendbeheer/Niels Post, some rights reserved)

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October 2, 2010

Iraq breaks world record for longest time without government

Filed under: Weird by Branko Collin @ 1:43 pm

According to the Washington Post, the Netherlands went without a government for 207 days in 1977.

That record was recently broken by Iraq. At least Iraq has an excuse: it is being occupied by a militarist pseudo-theocracy that is after its oil reserves. (Still, you have to wonder why it would take a puppet regime so long to form.)

Following the Washington Post’s definition (the period “between holding a parliamentary election and forming a government”), the Netherlands has now been 115 days without a government, but looking at the current formation talks there is hope yet that we may regain our old record.

Indeed, the caretaker government found out recently that not having any power at all can be a very powerful thing. When they had to get their budget approved, almost nobody protested. Nobody wanted to give up their chances of becoming a government party by alienating the parties in favour of the budget.

I don’t know why 1977 was such a troublesome year, but in more recent times the forming (and then holding on to) of coalitions seems to have been troublesome because of the wide spectrum of political parties that have come to fore in the last decade. Before that (and since time immemorial) there have been three major political blocks, the social-democrats, the liberals and the Christians. Those three could always form a viable coalition with a clear majority in parliament, and now they no longer can.

(Photo of Dutch government buildings in The Hague by Patrick Rasenberg, who released in the public domain)

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October 1, 2010

Dutch scientists win Ig Nobel Prize for medicine

Filed under: General,Science,Weird by Orangemaster @ 10:04 am

The Ig Nobel awards are tongue-in-cheek awards of Improbable Research, “Research that makes people laugh and then think”. At Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachussets yesterday, the Ig Nobel Prize for medicine was awarded to Simon Rietveld (University of Amsterdam) and Ilja van Beest (University of Tilburg) for research on ‘reducing astma symptoms by taking them for a roller coaster ride’.

The Dutch have won before, we posted about Rats cannot tell between Japanese and Dutch back in 2007.

(Link: nrc.nl)
