January 11, 2011

Roller derby taking off in The Netherlands

Filed under: Sports by Orangemaster @ 12:00 pm

Roller derby, what’s that?” my Dutch doctor asks while looking at my swollen knee. I hurt my knee falling on the ice a month ago, but I wanted to make sure she knew I was planning to come back with more sports-related injuries and didn’t want to re-explain why and how.

In its modern form, roller derby was revived in the United States about 10 years ago and is an all-female contact sport played on roller skates (men are referees). Two teams skate around a flat track (not a banked track like in the film Whip It, although it’s an option) and score points by passing the opposing team and physically bashing them off the track using their torsoes.

When I joined last December, there were five Dutch teams, the first one being the Amsterdam Derby Dames, founded in 2009. Just two months down the road, another two teams have popped up in Arnhem and Groningen, both within a few weeks of each other. Roller derby is catching on like wildfire. All the teams are still recruiting, learning the moves and many members need to pass an internationally recognised exam to be able to compete. It’s a ground up, build your own team thing, with no real outside help — it’s real teamwork, not that crap your boss feeds you. Members pays fees and help each other out with gear, training and transport.

The Rotterdam Deathrow Honeys were featured last December in De Telegraaf and on the radio, and train with more advanced teams such as the Ghent Go-Go Rollergirls in Belgium.

Yes, we wear fishnets and skirts, yes, you can come and watch one of these days, and yes, it’s a real contact sport. To give you an idea of how it is live, watch our favourite video of Beyonslay (derby names are puns), a ‘blocker’ of the Gotham City Roller Girls give it to Rice Rocket, ‘jammer’ for the Texas Rollergirls, the US state where the revival began.

Nope, not the first block, the second one!

(Disclaimer: Orangemaster is a of the Amsterdam Derby Dames, ) Photo of Roller derby in Hobart, Tasmania by Christopher Neugebauer, some rights reserved.

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January 10, 2011

Reheat v10.1 coloured perspex lamp by Han Koning

Filed under: Design by Branko Collin @ 8:36 am

As an avid Blakes 7 fan you don’t need to tell me how pretty coloured perspex can be, so look, purdy!

According to Bright, Han Koning’s lamp Reheat v10.1 was inspired by the afterburners of jet planes.

Koning’s work first came to my attention when he won HEMA’s student design competition with his 103 % Vaas in 2002.

(Photo: Han Koning. In the screenshot to the right, of Blakes 7 episode Sand, the shipboard computers have broken down and Avon has to resort to letting coloured perspex do the thinking for him. Source: BBC.)

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January 9, 2011

Dutch Winter

Filed under: General by Branko Collin @ 10:03 am

Dutch Winter from Kasper Bak on Vimeo.

A couple of months ago Kasper Bak acquired a Canon EOS 550D photo camera, which apparently possesses some great video features. He used its slo-mo setting to shoot this short film about people skating in Lemmer, Friesland. It’s been doing the rounds on them there Internets.

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January 8, 2011

New tax law encourages both marriage and divorce

Filed under: General by Branko Collin @ 8:04 am

Since 2001 tax forms have had a checkbox that allowed two people living together to declare a ‘fiscal partnership’, a relationship just for tax purposes. It appears (I never looked it up before), that if you and somebody else declare a fiscal partnership you get certain tax breaks, such as mortgage interest deductions for the highest earner.

This year the law has changed. It is no longer enough to declare to the tax people that you and Bob are partners, you and Bob need to have some legal status to confirm this. A wedding certificate is good, as is a registered partnership (civil union) or a notarized ‘cohabitation agreement’. The latter is used for non-intimate relationships (think father-son) and sometimes for uncommon intimate relationships (think polyamorous). What also works is owning a house together or having children together. Couples who never got around to making it ‘official’ now have a decision to take.

Interestingly, married couples who are estranged may wish to explore the possibility of a divorce under the new tax regime, Elsevier reports. You see, this new fiscal partnership is obligatory. It is harder to get into, but you cannot opt out either. One reason for such a divorce could be if each partner owns a house, so that they both can get their own mortgage interest deductions.

Another way to become fiscal partners is to have a partner recognised by one’s pension fund.

The people that may be inconvenienced the most by this measure is those who refuse to divorce for religious reasons, even if they no longer live together—a situation called ‘separated from table and bed’ in Dutch, and legally recognized as such, just no longer by the tax people.

(Photo by Eunice Chang, some rights reserved)

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January 7, 2011

Bicycle swarms

Filed under: Architecture,Bicycles by Branko Collin @ 8:31 am

Roosmarijn Vergouw measured out parking spaces in white tape around seed locations on the tarmac of Amsterdam, and lo and behold, people started parking their bikes there.

Link: Copenhagenize. Video: Youtube / Roosmarijn Vergouw.

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January 5, 2011

A new look at wooden chairs

Filed under: Design by Orangemaster @ 12:19 pm

Dutch designer Sjoerd Vroonland gives classic wooden chairs new twists and turns. His goal is to re-examine what chairs are today, what their function is, how hey are used and designed, with an emphasis on how craftspeople made chairs in the 19th and 20th centuries.

(Link: dezeen.com, Photo: Sjoerd Vroonland)

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January 4, 2011

Charge your iPhone with wind power using the iFan

Filed under: Bicycles,Gadgets,Sustainability by Orangemaster @ 12:18 pm

Dutch designer Tjeerd Veenhoven has come with an ‘iFan’, a way for him to charge his iPhone while cycling, I guess, to work and back, and around town.

Smartphone batteries don’t last long in a day, especially if you do more than just call and be called. A friend of mine usually asks his husband before they leave somewhere if he is ‘all charged up’, not if he is ready to go, just to give you an idea of the sign of the times.

The iFan, made with a modified computer fan, is a rubber skin that just slides onto the phone and charges when the wind blows, taking 6 hours to fully charge an iPhone. As Veenhoven writes, “rather long I think… but it works.”

He plans to see what he can do about making the fan blades smaller and have the thing charge from a car and the likes. I enjoy reading about his thought process as well, which keeps it real.

(Link: digitaljournal.com, Photo: Tjeerd Veenhoven)

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January 3, 2011

New Lovecraft horror comic album in the works

Filed under: Comics,Literature by Branko Collin @ 8:40 am

After managing to secure a nice grant from the Fund for the Visual Arts (BKVB—presumably this was before the government of that nice looking Mr Rutte started its war on leftist hobbies), comics artist Erik Kriek has embarked upon creating a comic version of several stories by American horror giant H.P. Lovecraft.

Zone 5300 has published one of the stories, a nine-pager called From Beyond (illustration), in its 92nd issue which is out now. The editors decided to roll with the horror theme, so that this issue also contains a horror funny called The Truth about your Sister by Hisko Hulsing (the brother of), a Death Boy episode, and Joshua Peeters’ The Host of the Devil.

(Even the Lovecraft story becomes farcical in the hands of a Dutch artist—see the André van Duin-like grimace in the panel above. Dutch horror stories require at the least—in my humble opinion—countless rows of reeds and surprise appearances by that nice Mr Rutte.)

(Illustration: Zone 5300 / Erik Kriek and Zone 5300)

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January 2, 2011

Bicycle rain fashion from the Netherlands

Filed under: Bicycles,Fashion by Branko Collin @ 12:20 pm

Here’s an odd duck: a fashion brand starting up in Amsterdam that caters to the rained upon cyclist. On their website Madame de Pé announces that they will open up for business in February, but their Facebook page provides a glimpse of what can be expected.

Link: Dutch in Dublin. Photos: Facebook / Madame de Pé.

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January 1, 2011

Winner new year’s lottery has to pay income tax twice

Filed under: Weird by Branko Collin @ 3:50 pm

The Dutch revenue service (Belastingdienst) has announced that the winner of the Staatsloterij Jackpot will have to pay income tax over these winnings for both 2010 and 2011.

Since 2001 the Dutch income tax is divided into three parts, a tax on wages, a tax on business interests (including dividends), and a tax on savings and investments. The latter category is calculated by taking the money you own on December 31 and the money you own on January 1 of that same year, and halving it. You then pay a one percent tax on the resulting average, the idea being that an average person should be able to realize a profit each year on their savings of investments of 4%, which is essentially a sort of income.

The tax service takes its own formulas very serious and figures that since the prize is won in the dying seconds of 2010, the winner also has to pay this tax on savings over 2010, even if they have not been able to collect and enjoy the prize.

Tax law professor Ruben Freudenthal has been quizzing his students for years on exactly this eventuality, and sides with the Belastingdienst. He told Financieel Dagblad: “Right after the draw the lottery ticket becomes valuable. You could sell it to somebody else.”

The 2010 lottery had a jackpot worth 27.5 million euro. The 2010 tax would amount to 137,500 euro.

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