June 9, 2011

The Giant of Rotterdam honoured in statue

Filed under: General,Science,Weird by Orangemaster @ 9:47 pm

The life-size bronze statue of Rigardus Rijnhout, also known as ‘The Giant of Rotterdam’, was unveiled in Oude Westen, Rotterdam on June 6. The statue made by artist Herman Lamers also symbolises the growth of Rotterdam. We don’t have a pic (yet) and ironic that first you are made fun of, then get a statue to represent your city.

Born in Rotterdam in 1922 Rigardus Rijnhout died age 36 years in Leiden. The giant suffered both from acromegaly (a chronic metabolic disorder in which there is too much growth hormone) and pituitary tumor. He was 2,37 meters tall, weighed 230 kilos and his shoe size 62 (European size).

During his life time, Rigardus Rijnhout received a lot of attention and was often bullied because of his size. In this video you see him age 15, eating many sandwiches and the narrator saying that if Rijnhout raised his hand, he could reach the rooftop drain.

(Link: iamexpat.nl, thetallestman)

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June 8, 2011

Dutch girl has her Facebook friends tattoed on her arm

Filed under: Art,Dutch first,Weird by Orangemaster @ 12:35 pm

A Dutch girl has had her 152 FB friends tattoed on her arm:

The ‘social tattoo’ was done by Tattoo Dex, Rotterdam and took two weeks. The comments on the Internet are mostly negative, which doesn’t surprise me, but then I know absolutely nothing about tattoos.

(Link: volkskrant)

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My language comes first, as my rules are arbitrary

Filed under: Science by Orangemaster @ 11:25 am

Coming from Canada, a country that questionably prides itself on having millions of people speak English and French functionally, it’s odd to see that there are still discussions (if we believe the media) about having Dutch and European children learn foreign languages at school at a young age. There’s Dutch, then English, French or German, sometimes Spanish, and there are kids who already speak Frisian, never mind kids who speak Dutch dialects at home. All the kids who speak more than one language or dialect are at an advantage in general. All of this assumes the traditional ‘Caucasian’ Dutch person learning a foreign language, and totally ignores any child with a foreign background.

Profession Paula Fikkert makes an interesting point, which proves my usual point that language and culture are inseparable. When the second language in question is English, Dutch parents think that’s fantastic, but if that second language is Dutch and the first language is, let’s say Turkish, then all of sudden Dutch speakers get defensive. She mentions that Dutch policy makers will then automatically tell you how important Dutch is, even though linguists can easily explain why knowing any good native language is important.

This is a kind of language apartheid: English is the best, Dutch second or best in the absence of English, and anything else is of lesser value, while none of this is scientifically correct. Ironically, Dutch is best all the time socially, except in the ivory towers of some of Amsterdam and Rotterdam’s international corporations where the main language is English and only the cleaning staff are not able to join in, although could do so in more than one language. I’m speaking from experience.

The article also goes on about how sign language is treated as even lower than the rest for Dutch babies, but taking clases to try and decipher your baby’s gesticulations are all the rage.

(Link: kennislink)

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June 7, 2011

Miffy beats Japanese copy, raising money for Japan

Filed under: Comics by Orangemaster @ 9:58 am

After famous Dutch artist Dirk Bruna took some Japanese company to court for making a poor copy (Kathy) of his famous bunny Nijntje (Miffy in English), the case was settled in a way that ends like a children’s story. Kathy the Japanese bunny said goodbye to the Japanese boys and girls while both companies, the one that holds the rights to Nijntje and the one pushing Kathy donated 150,000 euro to the victims of the disaster in Japan. The money is basically the amount it would have cost both companies to continue to fight it out in court.

Now everybody go ‘aaaaaw’.

(Link: depers.nl, image: nijntje.nl)

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June 6, 2011

McDonald’s biggest restaurant chain second year in a row

Filed under: Food & Drink by Branko Collin @ 10:58 am

American junk food chain McDonald’s has increased its lead on the other businesses in Misset’s Dutch food services Top 100, De Stentor reports. Second place is taken by the Van der Valk hotel chain. (Circumstances forced me to stay there one night in 2010 and I can confirm that the food is almost of Mickey D’s quality and not in a good way.)

Biggest investor was the Efteling theme park with its 30 million Raveleijn attraction, with further investments in the pipeline.

During the launch of the Top 100 in Zeist, copyfighter Ronald van den Hoff won Misset’s first Horeca Personality Award for his congress concept Seats2Meet.


June 5, 2011

Bebook’s e-book reader becomes Android tablet

Filed under: Technology by Branko Collin @ 10:15 pm

The tablet market has just become a bit busier. Utrecht based manufacturer Endless Ideas are introducing a 7 inch, Android based tablet called Bebook Live. The original Bebook has an E-ink screen, the Live has a regular LCD touch screen and also sports:

  • Wifi
  • 4 GB memory
  • SD/SDHC slot (up to 32 gigabyte)
  • 2 megapixel camera
  • Accelerometer
  • and more

At 270 euro it is actually cheaper than the original Bebook e-reader at its introduction. While Bright praises it as a “very good, simple and affordable 7 inch tablet”, Engadget’s readers think it is silly to ship a tablet with yesterday’s version of an operating system, Android 2.2.

(Photo: Endless Ideas)

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June 4, 2011

Alternative election posters by Het Politieke Plaatje

Filed under: Art,Design by Branko Collin @ 3:26 pm

The artist(s) behind Het Politieke Plaatje (‘the political picture’) got bored with the real posters political parties produce during election time, and decided to come up with their own versions.

Shown here are a crop of the Party for the Animals poster, and the Labour Party poster (slogan: everyone counts).

Link: Trendbeheer.

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June 3, 2011

Slutwalk hits Amsterdam, 24oranges joining it

Filed under: General by Orangemaster @ 6:24 pm

It all started when some cromagnon policeman in Toronto, Canada was quoted this year as saying “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized”, which was picked up and understood as women who dress provocatively, like sluts, are asking to be raped. Nope, he was just an ordinary Canadian who since regrets what he said if I can believe the Canadian press and who still has major issues if you ask me.

Since emancipation is still in the stone age, cities around the world have started holding Slutwalks, and on 4 June, they’ll be one in Amsterdam, which I will attend along with my roller derby team from the Amsterdam Derby Dames uniform and wheels and all.

“We are tired of being oppressed by slut-shaming; of being judged by our sexuality and feeling unsafe as a result. Being in charge of our sexual lives should not mean that we are opening ourselves to an expectation of violence, regardless if we participate in sex for pleasure or work.”

SlutWalk Amsterdam
Saturday 4 June 2011
4 pm at the Homo Monument

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June 2, 2011

Dutch hiphop intermezzo

Filed under: Music by Orangemaster @ 11:57 am

As a DJ, I always end up talking about music with my hairdresser whose taste in music matches her peers: hiphop and R&B. I told her I DJ French rap and hiphop, but she said she doesn’t like music if she can’t understand the lyrics, so it has to be English or Dutch.

Since today is a holiday, here’s some Dutch hiphop with videos that you can look at if you don’t understand the lyrics.

We both agreed on one thing: many wannabees, usually boys of non-Caucasian background who make crappy raps from the one ghetto Amsterdam still has, De Bijlmer (where I actually lived when I immigrated here), should really stop and listen to the ones doing it right.

Here’s THC rooting for Amsterdam and Boef en de Gelogeerde Aap representing the province of Brabant.

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June 1, 2011

Artzuid 2011 photos on Flickr

Filed under: Art by Branko Collin @ 1:18 am

As promised I have uploaded lots and lots of photos to Flickr for you to watch. Visit the exhibition (well, most of it) from the comfort of your armchair.

I still have to add a bit of meta-data but most of what needs to be there, is.

While you’re at it, don’t hesitate to visit the Artzuid Flickr pool with work from photographers much more talented than I.

(Shown here: Equus by Yubi Kirindongo)
