Stephen Colbert explains what US presidential candidate really meant with his lies about the Netherlands


We suggested last month that politician Rick Santorum may have broken the world record on bald faced lying in his weight class when he talked about the horrors of the Dutch health care system.

If anything Santorum’s statements left Dutch pundits flabbergasted. Yesterday US comedian Stephen Colbert came to the rescue of every confused Dutch person and explained why Santorum says just the darndest things. The part about the Netherlands starts at 2:58.

“Evidently Santorum’s comments about the Netherlands were yanked out of … his nether parts.”

Stephen Colbert is a comedian who pretends to be a right-wing blow-hard pundit styling himself on the likes of Bill O’Reilly.

See also: Dutch beer for America’s Black History Month.



  1. Alex says:

    I am not elderly, but I would like to wear one of Rick Santorum’s dutch bracelets as a fashion statement.

  2. Branko Collin says:

    Alex, Google is *so* your friend.

  3. Alex says:

    Enter the choir and rays of light through clouds:

    I’m ordering this right now. Thank you. (And, I must say, congratulations internet on a job well done.)

  4. Alex says:

    The bracelet has turned out to be a great conversation starter.

  5. Branko Collin says:

    Well thank God for Santorum. :-)

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