Ex professor Diederik Stapel now pitches corporate Dunglish

Dutch business magazine Quote has unveiled that the ‘professor’ who brought us piles of fake scientific research has become a language consultant. The nutty professor had a sales pitch on his website that has since been pulled, pitching him as, “being available as an opinionated consultant, motivator, coach, brand and identity language consultant, speaker, etc.”, and a whole bunch of other jargon-filled functions that show how narcissistic he really is, how crappy his Dutch is and how full of crap he still is.
He no longer has a Ph.D. as he was stripped of his title in 2011, but of course he has the right to go into business for himself. He has called his business Pile Consult. My comment is fair game for ridicule as he chose an English language name, not a Dutch one.
Just in case some of you don’t get it, Stapel, his last name, means Pile, as in a pile of things. Unfortunately, ‘pile’, or better yet ‘piles’ also refers to haemorrhoids. ‘Consultancy’ would also make more sense, but hey, we are dealing with a nut job. His ‘research’ was surely more akin to diarrhoea.
(Links: nederl.blogspot.nl, www.quotenet.nl)
[…] and dozens of journal publications. The shame-faced professor voluntarily returned his PhD, and now operates a small business as an “identity language consultant.” That sounds made-up to […]
[…] previous career move involved being a ‘brand language consult’ under the name Pile […]
[…] dozens of journal publications. The shame-faced professor voluntarily returned his PhD, and now operates a small business as an “identity language consultant.” That sounds made-up to […]