Young democrats to distribute free ecstasy pills


The youth wing of the Democrats 66 (aka D66) has announced plans to hand out free ecstasy (XTC) pills in some big cities, including Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht over the next two weeks. The goal is to demonstrate that it is better to take XTC freely, as in, still illegal but turning a blind eye to it like with marijuana and other ‘soft drugs’ than ingest bad quality pills. Since XTC often needs to be tested, some of us are thinking, ‘well just don’t use it then’, but the reality is people will continue to do so and some will die.

With King’s Day around the corner and festival season about to kick off, D66 wants to make drug use safer and have it regulated rather than remain illegal and hazardous even deadly for people’s health. Since everything has a price, these free pills will be covered by excise taxes, or duties.

If anyone out there gets pills from D66, we’d love to know because that’s a bold move. I bet some people are going to try it for the first time or sell them.

UPDATE: Reading more sources, the pills are fake ones, but D66 first reported as if they were real.

(Link:, Photo: DEA)

1 Comment »

  1. Leslie says:

    D66 did not report they were real, a press agency didn’t read the release thoroughly and ran with it and no other news source bothered to fact check before also running with the story….fact checking is very important, but I guess it just sounded too good not to share.

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