Dutch Eurovision entry sounds ripped off
Composer Ruud van Osch from The Hague is claiming that Ilse and Waylon, aka The Common Linnets stole his song to make ‘Calm After The Storm’, which won second place at this year’s Eurovision Song Festival.
In 2013 Van Osch had sent in a song to Ilse’s record company as a possible contender for the Eurovision Song Festival. He heard nothing back, which I’m sure is common, although he says he tried to get the company’s attention for months. However, only now has he decided to go public about it by telling The Hague broadcaster Omroep West his story.
Van Osch’s song was called ‘So Sad’ and has a very similar chorus and arrangements, which cannot be a coincidence unless the song is not his or he composed it after the fact. Even a secretary who had picked up the phone at the record company said to him: “Yes, they sound alike, I can’t deny that. Go get a lawyer.”
Have a listen to both songs superimposed and hear for yourself.
Here’s a video of Van Osch singing his song intermixed with The Common Linnets video.

The song sounds adapted yet recognisable, the lyrics are very different, but the chorus and feel of the song has been ripped off, which would equate to plagiarism. The 65-year-old composer in a wheelchair can’t fight the record company so he’s upset, but yes, it could possibly be a ruse to get some attention — but that’s all he is going to get. ‘Calm After The Storm’ sounds like a lot of other songs as well.
(Links: www.nieuws.nl, www.omroepwest.nl, Photo of Guitars by tarale, some rights reserved)
ik kan zeggen dat ik een advocaat heb zijn naam is DOEKO BOSSCHER en die heeft een aanvraag gedaan voor rechtsbijstand en dat heeft de staat goed gekeurd, dus The Commen Linnets kunnen nu een aanmaning verwachten binnen 10 dagen,voor het stelen van het refrein van so sad en het gebruiken van so lonely de akkoorden die zijn volgens mij vrij uniek G EM7 EN CDD2,DAT ZIJ DRIE AKKOORDEN IS VIER MATEN DAT IS VOLGEN MIJ NOG NOOIT EERDER IN EEN SONG GEDAAN ALS DAT ZO IS ZIJN HUN KANSEN HELEMAAL TOT NUL GEDAALD,GR ruud