Why America doesn’t know its Dutch history



Here’s our online version of reading a book on the beach: let’s all learn about the Dutch origins of New York City and more by American author and historian Russell Shorto who sounds like he could talk about it all day.

The first part is a quick introduction called ‘Why don’t Americans know about their own Dutch history?’, which starts by naming all the British things Americans usually know about their country and exposing the blind spot in people’s knowledge about anything Dutch.

Check out the rest, all short videos. Part 2 starts off with an explanation of the Castello Plan that we’ve used as an image.

Part 2. What’s left of New Amsterdam in Lower Manhattan?
Part 3. Meet a forgotten American visionary
Part 4. How New Amsterdam influenced America

Notice the Heineken truck going by as the video starts in Part 1.

(Image: Castello Plan of the tip of Manhattan)

1 Comment »

  1. brian medendorp says:

    i was born in the u.s. and, as far as i know, am of 100% dutch descent. i own mr shorto’s book, and it’s a fascinating read. i need to pull it off my bookshelf and read it again. i had no idea there is so much dutch influence in american history. even learning that “yankee” is a descendant of the the dutch word “jonckeere” (i may be spelling that incorrectly) was a bit of a surprise. i’m so glad he took the time and energy to put this book together.

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