24 oranges is a Netherlands-based, English-language blog about anything Dutch. We post fun, interesting, weird, cool, and otherwise unique content. Look at the Netherlands through native and non-native eyes. We blog about other things than the usual tourist and migrant information.
Why oranges? The colour orange is the colour of the Dutch Royal House as well as the football (soccer) team, two well-known Dutch icons.
If you would like to submit something to 24 oranges, send an e-mail to submissions (at) 24oranges.nl. Follow us on Twitter (@24orangesNL), like us on Facebook, follow us on instagram and check out our photos on Flickr.
Who we are
24Oranges went live in February 2007 as a project Orangemaster and Branko Collin could do together, combining writing in English about the Netherlands for a larger audience and the fun Dutch stuff we find on the Internet. We also strive to bring you unique content and views. Instead of sending silly e-mails to each other, a blog allowed us to share our findings with the world.
Orangemaster is DJ and event planner Natasha Cloutier, aka Orangemaster. She likes to blog about Dutch society, music, photography and weird stuff.
Tech-savvy Branko Collin, a real Dutch guy, blogs about tech, comic strips, copyright and design.
For now you can contact us by using the submission form. If you would not want to see your message accidentally posted as a story, try and e-mail one of the site’s owners after following the links above.
If you want us to post an article for free about your big corporation or some advertorial you’re trying to pass off as a story, please don’t contact us. If you want to advertise with us, by all means send us an email.