January 24, 2011

Cooking club rides bikes and sails boats to local farms

Filed under: Bicycles,Food & Drink by Branko Collin @ 10:05 am

“The people here have no idea where they can buy locally grown food,” Kook Company’s Saskia van Deijk told daily De Pers. “That’s why when it is summer we take the boat to nearby cheese farms and the bakfiets to farmers. Once we’ve stocked up on ingredients we return to our building which is right on the river Rhine and prepare our meals.”

These meals are surprising variations on the Dutch kitchen: cold cauliflower mousse and profiteroles with a Gouda cheese sauce, or spinach poffertjes. The Kook in the name is not a reference to a mental state, but simply means ‘cooking’ in Dutch.

Photo: Kookcompany

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December 30, 2010

The local cafe that was saved by love and money

Filed under: Food & Drink,General by Orangemaster @ 11:13 am

The village of Esbeek, Noord-Brabant had a local cafe, Schuttershof, the only meeting place in the village that was to be sold and possibly turned into something new and shiny the locals didn’t want. The owner had to move on, but not because the cafe was too quiet, quite the contrary. Schuttershof attracts groups and clubs like the volleyball club, archery club, local fanfare, theatre people, and more. And during carnival, it is usually as full as can possibly be.

To save their cafe and buy the entire property, the association of the cafe needed 1.2 million euro and a plan to get it. They issued shares, ranging from 200 to 5,000 euro, which were bought up by some 300 inhabitants. The association managed to raise 300,000 euro and the bank came up with the rest. Money is one thing, but some 87 volunteers also helped rebuild the 101-year-old cafe, which reopened on 28 December.

To quote the Esbeek site that has all the party pics of the opening and more, “For years we had a cafe with a nice story, but now we have a beautiful cafe with a fantastic story.” The cafe complex can now host weddings and big parties. The new bar was made by two local men who have been building carnival floats for decades and even the mayor came to paint for an evening. Next to cafe Schuttershof there is now a ‘town meeting hall’ where the elderly can hang out.

Just reading this story makes me want to go down there and check out it come carnival time (6-8 March 2011).

(Link: ad.nl, trouw, Photo of a totally unrelated stream in Kirchberg, Austria to keep the image of the story alive)

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December 22, 2010

Free beer for girls in Limburg town

Filed under: Food & Drink,General,Religion by Orangemaster @ 12:28 pm

The owners of a few pubs in Weert, Limburg have decided to give free beer, wine and even kir (how classy) on the house to girls, so that boys stay away from those illegal beer-serving non-pubs called ‘zuipketens‘, modern-day Dutch speakeasies that have apparently increased in popularity since the smoking ban. By stay away I do mean come to their pubs instead because they have tipsy girls in them.

Free drinks are sure to get a few more girls into the pub, but at a cost and not on the long run. And then there’s the morally questionable idea of getting girls to drink more, knowing they get drunk more quickly, and all that jazz. The drinking age in the Netherlands is 16, an age when kids are not legally responsbile adults, which is also a major problem in smaller communities where there’s not much to do but drink — like in Weert, Limburg.

Back in 2008 we wrote about beer confiscation in Urk, a very religious town in Flevoland whose youth is drinking their youth away because there’s nothing to do there.

(Link: telegraaf.nl, Photo: me at Oktoberfest. If the Telegraaf can use a German picture for a Dutch article, so can we.)

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December 10, 2010

O Christmas Tree on Grolsch beer bottles

Filed under: Food & Drink,Music by Orangemaster @ 10:39 am

Dutch beer brand Grolsch jams out Christmas music with the Swingtop Philharmonic Orchestra, a troupe made up of some of the world’s leading musicians and sound engineers who play exclusively on instruments made from Grolsch Swingtop bottles.

A re-imagined version of the Christmas favourite by Ernst Anschütz has been arranged by composer Ross Power and is led by conductor Thomas Blunt, seven percussionists, woodwind players and a timpanist.

‘O Christmas Tree’ is the English translation of the German ‘O Tannebaum’.

(Link: christmasagogo)

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December 7, 2010

An interactive history of KLM’s house-shaped genever bottles

Filed under: Architecture,Aviation,Design,Food & Drink by Orangemaster @ 1:29 pm

First you follow the link to the cute little Delft blue houses, and then you can click on any of the 91 bottles and find out what house it is and where. Most of them can be found in Amsterdam, but a few of them are from towns like Amersfoort, Delft, Breda and Schiedam.

I spontaneously clicked on number 81 and got ‘proeflokaal’ (roughly ‘tasting pub’) De Drie Fleschjes (The Three Bottles) in Amsterdam pictured above (here is what it looks like today). Ironically, it is a place to sample gin and have a drink.

What I thought was odd though is that there is the same house twice (11 and 23), another ‘proeflokaal’ in Amsterdam, Wijnand Fockink. I think the makers of the site made a mistake, as 90 is a much nicer number.

(Link and image: klom.com, via amsterdamadblog.com)

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November 25, 2010

Dutch not amused by overpriced lolly at amusement parks

Filed under: Food & Drink,Weird by Orangemaster @ 12:40 pm

The rocket (raket), the Dutch lolly invented in 1962 that never crash landed, is apparently way too pricy for the Dutch at amusement park Kabouter Plop in Coevorden, Drenthe, a Belgian ‘invention’.

For a Dutch treat that is often handed out for free around the country, the Dutch have complained that they just couldn’t get themselves to pay EUR 2,50 for it. The same themed amusement park also exists in Belgium where the price of the rocket is not an issue.

There have been so many complaints from the Dutch that not only it is news, but the solution has been to pull the product from the Dutch amusement park. Dutch kids will have to wait until they get home to have a rocket and stick to whatever other overpriced junk food the amusement park has to offer.

(Link: zibb.nl)

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November 2, 2010

HEMA cakes with Hitler greetings and anti-Islamic text

Filed under: Art,Food & Drink,Religion,Weird by Orangemaster @ 12:39 pm

Two Dutch women artists decided to test the limits of what HEMA (major chain store) would accept to reproduce on a cake from a photo in the cities of Enschede and Deventer. They ordered seven cakes, of which three were rejected.

An authentic old picture of a Hitler greeting wasn’t a problem and neither were tompouces with ‘Islamic culture is backwards’ on them, a well-known phrase uttered by murdered politician Pim Fortuyn a few years back.

What didn’t make the cut was a man with an erection and a woman with her legs open and a heart hiding anything indecent. So erotic is out (the store claimed that was porn), but ‘fascist’ politics are in. Now you know too. Let’s be fair, both cities are far from the country’s capital and have different values and political views. That’s my polite way of saying people there are more shocked by sex and clearly vote more to the right as of late.

The General Terms and Conditions of HEMA say that the pictures, “cannot go against the law, must show good morals and cannot have any religious content”. Obviously the people who made these cakes at HEMA never read any of that or don’t understand what it meant.

(Links: welingelichtekringen, ad)

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October 23, 2010

Dutch cuisine increases sperm count

Filed under: Food & Drink,Health by Branko Collin @ 3:41 pm

Dutch cooking, the kitchen that has put the meat and the potatoes in meat ‘n’ potatoes, is great for increasing male fertility according to PhD student Marijana Vujkovic.

Men who eat meat, potatoes and vegetables have a sperm count twice as high as those with other diets.

Women on the other hand seem to benefit the most from a Mediterranean diet, which includes vegetable oils, vegetables and fish.

Vujkovic gets to defend her thesis next Wednesday, Trouw reports. An article by Vujkovic and others about the same issue in the Oxford Journal on Human Reproduction can be read here.

(Photo by FotoosVanRobin, some rights reserved)

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October 15, 2010

Two Dutch designers innovate with kitchen stuff

Filed under: Design,Food & Drink by Orangemaster @ 5:55 pm

Two Dutch designers, Jorre van Ast and Nicolai Carels, won a Grand Prix design award from manufacturer Royal VKB. Van Ast scored with a new-fangled drying rack for dishes, the Dish Drainer Geo, while Carels came up with a wok for dummies, the Boomerang Wok (see video).

I have to agree with one of the comments I read: wokking is a skill and spilling the food everywhere like in this video seems like a dummy Western thing to be doing. However, the Boomerang Wok seems like a nice solution.

(Link: idealize)

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October 11, 2010

Women decide what take-away food gets ordered

Filed under: Food & Drink by Branko Collin @ 9:19 am

The difference is small, but in Dutch households the women determine the most which take-away food gets ordered. A study held by market researches Trendbox confirms this, Misset Horeca reports.

Men tend to go for Chinese food, women like pizza. About 85% of theDutch household order out now and again, Blik op Nieuws adds.

The study also shows that the Dutch are not big tippers: on average we give our delivery person 1.20 euro.

(The photo shows a traditional ‘Chin. Ind.’ restaurant)
