December 12, 2008

Adoption case with DVD for adoptive parents

Filed under: General by Orangemaster @ 7:00 am
Adoption kit

In the Gelderse Vallei hospital in Ede, Gelderland, babies that get put up for adoption also come with an adoption case complete with a DVD of the first few days, toys and a diary written by the attending nurse. Of the 20 to 40 adopted babies every year in the Netherlands, five of them are born at the Gelderse Vallei hospital. Since the first few days are so important, as adoptive children rarely have any photos or information about that time in their lives, the hospital thought a nice case full of memories and practical things, such as a blanket and some clothes, was a good idea. On television, there was also talk of the biological mother leaving a note and whether nurses had time to write something in the diary for the future parents.

(Link and photo:, via Editie NL)

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December 12, 2007

Dutch diplomat ‘returns’ 7-year-old adopted girl

Filed under: General,Weird by Orangemaster @ 7:50 am
child in noodles

Hong Kong authorities are searching for a new home for a 7-year-old South Korean girl after the Dutch couple who adopted her just months after she was born changed their minds, officials said Tuesday. The Dutch diplomat and his wife adopted the girl seven years ago when they were living in Seoul, South Korea, but struggled to integrate her into their lives.

The diplomat handed the girl over to welfare authorities in Hong Kong last May, saying she was having trouble adapting to their culture, including their food, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to comment on the matter.

(Place jokes about Dutch food and cooking here, although I doubt it’s standard fare in Hong Kong.)

“It’s bizarre. I don’t think it has anything to do with cultural shock,” said Law Chi-kwong, an associate professor at the University of Hong Kong’s Social Work department. “The child grew up with them. They adopted her when she was a baby; they are responsible for shaping the child’s mind and culture. How can you say the child cannot adapt to the culture in which she was raised? This is just ridiculous.”

The girl speaks Chinese and English but not Korean.

(She doesn’t speak Dutch either? The plot thickens.)

The South China Morning Post, in a report Sunday, quoted the unnamed Dutch diplomat as saying that the adoption had gone wrong.

(What? Like a bad wine or something?)

I’m sure there is more to this story, but I assume that the real reasons are even less flattering that the ‘diplomatic’ ones given.)

A Dutch friend of mine adopted a Chinese girl after three years of poking and prodding and he looks very happy to me. I wonder what he would think of this.

(Link: China Post)

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July 23, 2007

Need kid? Adopt an embryo

Filed under: Dutch first,Science by Orangemaster @ 9:31 am

Can’t conceive? Couples will soon be able to knock on the door of the Medisch Centrum Kinderwens in Leiderdorp, South Holland to adopt an embryo. Two couples have already agreed to give up their frozen embryos, left over from IVF attempts. According to director and gynaecologist Marinus Crooij, his clinic is the first in the Netherlands to offer this type of adoption. A woman simply becomes the surrogate of her adoptive child.

Giving away embryos in the Netherlands is not forbidden, but does not happen very often. The Embryo Act says donors may not remain anonymous and their details must be registered with the Stichting Donorregistratie, the Dutch donor registry. “When a child is 16, they have the right to know who their ‘genetic’ parents are. Not everyone agrees with this”, explains Crooij. In Great Britain and the US this type of adoption is already common place. “If you accept adoption, you have to accept this as well. It is comparable. Moreover, these children are wanted from the very start, which is not the case with ordinary adoption.”

(Link: Gerderlander)

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