November 22, 2012

Concert hall advertises by using its acoustics in amusing ways

Filed under: Architecture,Music,Science by Orangemaster @ 12:35 pm

To prove that ‘everything sounds better in the Concertgebouw’, Amsterdam’s beautiful 125-year-old concert hall, some amusing adverts were made, albeit not every one of them brilliant or believable. I find the showering one a bit boring, and I don’t need to hear burping children either.

In the video below, the acoustics were tested using three scooters, which sounded much less annoying than they do on the street whizzing by on bike paths. The three scooter guys are pretty typical for Amsterdam’s streets, and they had never been in the Concertgebouw before. Having attended concerts there myself, all I can say is that the hall is very live sounding and makes brass and strings sound very vibrant, as long as you have good seats.

(Links:,, Photo of Concertgebouw by Ben Rimmer, some rights reserved)

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November 1, 2012

Rijksmuseum offers copyright-free masterpieces online

Filed under: Art,Online by Orangemaster @ 2:17 pm

This week Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum launched an online database of 125,000 high resolution masterpieces called ‘Rijksstudio’ that can be downloaded and used for free. The images are copyright-free, and the idea is that you can make your own collection of images, post them to social media, caption them, make mouse pads out of them and all kinds of other creative stuff.

Rijksstudio was royally opened by Prince Constantijn and has a localized Pinterest feel to it.


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October 31, 2012

Amsterdam’s Church of St. Nicholas to become a basilica

Filed under: Religion by Orangemaster @ 1:16 pm

The Church of St. Nicholas in Amsterdam, located right across from Amsterdam Central Station, is being upgraded to the status of basilica according to the Catholic church. It will be officially given the status as of 9 December, making it the 24th basilica in the country.

To be given the title of basilica, a church has to have a lot of regular clientele and has to be a unique work of architecture.

Saint-Nicholas is the patron saint of Amsterdam and of many cities worldwide, as well as the patron saint of sailors, merchants, archers, thieves, children, and in some places, students.

(Link:, Photo of Church of St Nicholas/Sint Nicolaaskerk by Judy van der Velden, some rights reserved)

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September 28, 2012

Bill Cosby sweater designer on stage in Amsterdam

Filed under: Fashion by Orangemaster @ 6:20 pm

Last March, the world famous, colourful Bill Cosby sweaters got their own blog, which was an opportunity to remind everyone that they were all designed by Dutchman Koos van den Akker.

This week until October 7 at Theater Bellevue in Amsterdam, Van den Akker, 73, will be on stage being interviewed — all very spontaneously — by friend and acteur Marcel Musters. In a performance entitled ‘Rietje meets Koos’, Musters plays a middle aged woman who is a big Cosby fan and is excited to discover that Van den Akker designed those sweaters.

Van den Akker’s jackets, sweaters and shirts have a carefully crafted collage style, works of art that are now a source of inspiration to designers such as America’s Marc Jacobs.

(Link:, Photo of Cosby sweater by Felix Jackson, Jr., some rights reserved)

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September 20, 2012

Rotterdam to open ’embassy’ in Amsterdam

Filed under: General by Orangemaster @ 12:20 pm

Back in 2009 the region of Twente planned to open an ’embassy’ in Amsterdam. No idea if they actually did, but it sounded cool.

Now the city of Rotterdam, the Netherlands’ second largest city, is scheduled to open an ’embassy’ (delegate, house of Rotterdam) in the capital.

According to one of the initiators Kristian Koreman, the ’embassy’ must ensure more “intercultural exchanges” between Rotterdam and Amsterdam (aka 010 and 020, phone exchanges and pet names for the cities) “We will open next Wednesday in Pakhuis de Zwijger (shown above) and be open periodically.”

Of course, Rotterdam will also get an Amsterdam ’embassy’ , which will open its doors on 21 November in Rotterdam.

(Link: www.at5, Photo of Pakhuis de Zwijger, hub for many “new media” events and initiatives in Amsterdam, by bMA, may be used under condition that the source is mentioned.)

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September 17, 2012

Dutch people counting to 100 (video)

Filed under: Film by Branko Collin @ 10:36 am

This cute video by shows Dutch people aged 1 – 100 tell their age.

It’s been doing the rounds on the Internet for a couple of weeks, but if you haven’t seen it yet, you should. Linguists have already discovered the video and noted that different age groups pronounce words differently (the people were all filmed in Amsterdam, so that variation wasn’t regional).

(Video: Vimeo / Filmersblog)

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September 12, 2012

Osama bin Laden to adorn Amsterdam museum

Filed under: Art by Orangemaster @ 3:44 pm

The Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam has recently purchased a painting by South African artist Marlene Dumas featuring deceased al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. This ‘major work’ can soon be admired at the long-awaited reopening of the museum on 23 September in a room entirely dedicated to Dumas where 35 of her works will be exhibited.

Marlene Dumas works and lives in Amsterdam. How many clams the museum handed over for the painting is unknown. Osama will be sharing wall space with Young Men (not the women in the picture), the name of a series of drawings that was started in 2001. Dumas has drawn portraits of ‘young men with an Arabic look, from terrorists to innocent men in Amsterdam’.

(Link:, Photo of Paintings by Marlene Dumas by pavement-hopscotch, some rights reserved)

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August 29, 2012

Passing off Thai coins for euro coins

Filed under: General by Orangemaster @ 4:02 pm

Canadian quarters in washers and dryers at the laundromat in the US and in Canada, old 20 French frank coins, if I remember correctly, for the parking meters, which probably works in the US as well: every country has their slugs (see definition No. 3).

Since the introduction of the euro, it has been easy to pass off certain lesser coins for euro, at the least the one and two euro coins. Pictured here is a 1 bolívar fuerte from Venezuela that was passed off to me as a 1 euro coin.

According to Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool, people who have been to Thailand are freely using Thai 10 bath coins, which are worth about 24 euro cents. Although there’s a king and a temple on the 10 bath, the similar colour scheme confuse folks who don’t check these things, especially in a bar or taxi. Well, that’s how I landed the fuerte.

“We estimate that lately at least 10,000 of these coins are circulating in the Netherlands, says Sander van Golberdinge, Deputy Director for Detailhandel Nederland — the umbrella organisation for all retail trade in the Netherlands.”


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August 16, 2012

Mysterious Theo van Gogh statues around Amsterdam

Filed under: Art by Orangemaster @ 12:30 pm

Someone has left several statues of what looks exactly like Theo van Gogh, film director and controversial figure who was brutally murdered on the Linnaeusstraat in East Amsterdam back in 2004.

The resemblance is striking, as is the pose of the statue, which is precisely how Van Gogh was found, albeit without the letter knifed into his chest.

The little statues remain a mystery. Nobody knows anything about them yet. According to comments on, it could be the same anonymous scupltor as the lumberjack in the tree.

More about the Unknown Sculptor on Wikipedia (in Dutch).

(Link: at5, Photo of Breast sculpture by Stacey B, some rights reserved)

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July 31, 2012

Civ Orbis, Amsterdam in 1572, wins prize

Filed under: Technology by Orangemaster @ 9:00 pm

Civ Orbis, a Dutch mobile phone app, has won ‘Best App from a Satellite Location’ at the iOSDevCamp 2012 (scroll down for Civ Orbis), which was held in Amsterdam from 20 to 22 July 2012.

Civis Orbis allows the user to experience the cities of Europe as they existed in the 16th century. Using maps from the Civitates orbis terrarium, you can explore and learn about Amsterdam, Cologne, and Bruges, with more cities on the way. As you visit each landmark in the cities and learn interesting historical facts, you be able to check in, share the experience with your friends, and see what others have posted. You also be able to select tours tailored to your interests in each city.

And yes, it is available for iPhone (iOS) and Android.

“We wrote this app from scratch in less than 48 hours,” explains Nelson Ferraz of the Civ Orbis Team.


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