Armed American security agents are actually participating in the annual ‘Nijmegen Vierdaagse’ (International Four Day Marches Nijmegen) under cover to protect the American military. The Dutch are perplexed as this is perfectly illegal, but the Dutch government probably enjoys being walked all over (pardon the pun) by the Americans. Although almost 4,600 men and women from 17 different countries are being protected by armed Dutch security services, the Americans apparently felt the need to protect the 65 American men and women participating in the event. There are also 1,716 Dutch military and 936 British military doing the Four Day Marches as well, albeit with much less babysitting.
My two cents: having lived in Nijmegen for years, my stomach turned everytime I saw small boys cheering on the American soldiers and completely ignoring the 300 Canadian cadets that participated every year.
Dutch parents, please give your children a history lesson and bring them to the nearby military cemetery in Goesbeek to find out who died to protect your neck of the woods and your freedom (2,331 Canadians were buried there).
(Link: NieuwNieuws)