November 27, 2008

Dutch less paranoid than Germans

Filed under: Online by Eric @ 12:16 am
Who am I?

…At least when it comes to being afraid of online identity theft. The third Unisys security index, a ‘social indicator regarding how safe consumers feel on key areas of security‘, puts the Netherlands at spot 15, with an score of 87 on a scale from 0 to 300. This covers not only online security, but also national, personal and financial security.

The Germans, scoring a whopping 160 points on the index, are the most concerned Europeans with respect to identity theft. Yet, not even half would accept biometric technology to verify identities, something the Dutch are the most willing to accept.

(Link: Automatiseringgids, Photo:

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July 7, 2008

Germans students in NL cost millions of euro

Filed under: General by Orangemaster @ 10:16 am
Grad hat American style

According to a report published last week in het Financieele Dagblad (FD), the Netherlands pays about 100 million euro for German students to study at the university level in the Netherlands, while Germany pays but a fraction of the costs as few Dutch students study in Germany. In 2007, some 16,000 German students were studying here while some 1,700 Dutch students did the same in Germany. Back in 2002, there were some 5,000 German students. The FD explains that German students study in the Netherlands for the quality of the education and because classes are given in English. The Dutch avoid German schools because classes are given in German. Studying abroad is also more prestigious and the Dutch universities attract a better class of student by offering degrees in English. But yeah, that’s a helluvalot of cash for knowledge that won’t even profit the Dutch economy afterwards.

And there I go off on a tangent and leave you with the question that haunted my university studies: is a student the product or client of a university? If you’re a product, then you should find the best possible study as you will be judged for the university you attended, not just your diploma. If you’re a client, as in you pay big to go to school, you have the right to tell the university what you want exactly and get it.


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April 17, 2008

Stairs made from a castle’s floorwood

Filed under: Design by Branko Collin @ 10:41 am

Recycled furniture – furniture clearly made from recycled materials – got very popular in the Netherlands sometime in the 1990s when an artist found out that a regular cupboard made from new materials would easily net multiple times the price if made from recycled wood. Despite the over-saturation of this market I like this staircase made by Jan Korbes from the Hague by turning old floorboards of Schloss Wiesenburg (Wiesenburg Castle) in Germany into boxes.

Via BoingBoing.

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September 25, 2007

24oranges visit Oktoberfest

Filed under: Food & Drink,General,Music by Orangemaster @ 10:02 am

Sometimes, no news is good news. Actually, two days of Oktoberfest is just that: good news! Clear blue skies (see first picture), beautiful autumn sun, beer, dirndls (see beer-drinking woman) and lederhosen.

As a tourist in Munich at Oktoberfest – still going strong – I’d like to share the best tip I got: Go to the Wiesn (huuuuge fairground where Oktoberfest is held – it’s free, right downtown, easy access) BEFORE noon or earlier, especially with children. The lines to the rides are short and you can still walk around normally and get a seat in a beer tent (see other picture). No seat means no beer and no Oom-pa-pa music. And you need both!




(Photos: Orangemaster and Eric)

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