Singer, politician, radio presenter, bar owner and horse meat aficionado Henk Westbroek helped Achterhoek hard-rockers Noord Geldersch Metaal parody his own song Sinterklaas, Wie Kent Hem Niet? (Who doesn’t know Saint Nicholas?).
When I found out
The saint does not exist
Something snapped in my head
Hell, I was so mad
I reached for booze
Became a Satanist
Let me go to hell
Here I won’t be missedRefr.: Satan Claus!
You know him well.
Satan Claus, Satan Claus,
Let’s all go to hell.
There are many things that are plain wrong in this video, but drinking Hertog Jan beer in the Grolsch heartland? That is just evil.
(Via Telegravin. Video by André Broens.)