Once again the macabre is represented in the fourth and last issue of Zone 5300 this year. Death and decay play important roles in respectively a Molluskhead story by Fufu Frauenwahl and in Floor de Goede’s Deathboy.
Simon Spruyt reminisces about the time when he took little Lizzy for a tour of his comics plant (illustration). In doing so he gives the reader rare insights in the cold, hard economic realities of making and selling comics. No, it’s not what you think it is. No, not that either. Yes, you’re warmer with zombies, but you’ll have to read the story yourself to find out.
New physical media give publishers an enormous opportunity to sell to you what you already own: DAT tapes to replace your LPs, CDs to replace your DATs, and so on ad infinitum. But what happens to the discarded carriers? Rotterdammer Matrijs van Merg takes care of them. He builds organs from diskettes, videotapes from LPs, and more, and Zone 5300 interviews him. Photo: race track made from LPs.
Another article is the long interview with 1970s underground comics icon Paul Bodoni, whose albums have such imaginative titles as The Story of the Story and Other Stories, and Two Alfredos on a Green Coyote.