December 28, 2012

Gorilla had a good 2012 on the stock exchange

Filed under: Animals,Weird by Orangemaster @ 2:24 pm

Although gorilla Jacko had a bad year in 2011 for the first time, this year Jacko was back on track, outperforming the AEX (Amsterdam Exchange index), as he has done 12 years of out 13.

The stocks picked by Jacko using bananas rose 12% in value over the year, while the AEX rose by 10%. “Jacko’s profits are largely due to Heineken, Aegon and Aalberts, which rose sharply in value. Unfortunately he sold Ordina and Aperam with a large loss.”

So if a gorilla can do it, maybe we can too.


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February 21, 2009

Monkey business

Filed under: Animals,General by Eric @ 5:10 pm

Gyasi, financial gururillaWhat do you do, when all the money you invested in stocks and options is losing weight faster than the contestants in the tv show de Afvallers XXL? Whom do you turn to, when your own financial advisor is only foreseeing doom and gloom and you’re desperatly looking for impartial and unbiased tips on where to put those 50 eurocents you still call your capital?

Enter Gyasi, a six year old gorilla, currently living with her family in Primate Park Apenheul in Apeldoorn. Over the next thirteen weeks, Gyasi will pick one share listed on the AEX from a stock of ten, each week. In order to raise Gyasi’s interest in the experiment and possibly also to ensure an impartial and unbiased selection, Gyasi will not pick the share directly, but she will be presented a row of numbered walnuts. Each number corresponds to a share on the AEX. The walnut that gets munched first, will be the winner for the week.

The real question, of course, is: will Gyasi outperform the dolphins from the Harderwijk Dolfinarium?

Link and photo:

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