The fashionistas of daily newspaper De Pers predict the return of Speedo-like swim wear.
Swim suits are already out of fashion for women the paper concluded while prowling the Bloemendaal beach where bikinis, especially the ones with triangular patch tops, were in an overwhelming majority.
The brightly coloured swim brief is already replacing the Bermuda for men, which only accounted for 65% of the sales.
A fairly recent fashion among both boys and girls is to wear underwear beneath swimming trunks, with the underwear brand name prominently exposed. In 2008 public pools started outlawing the combination, citing hygienic concerns. Underwear manufacturer Björn Borg told De Pers that it saw an increase in sales of microfibre shorts, which dry faster. The brand has also started to produce its own line of swimming trunks.
(Photo of some kids on their way to the Scheveningen beach by FaceMePLS, some rights reserved)