May 4, 2015

Rotterdam train station attracts gate jumping

Filed under: Dutch first,General by Orangemaster @ 11:45 am


On May 1st Rotterdam Central Station proudly announced that only travellers who check in with their public transport chip cards are allowed in the hall of the train station, which until then had been open to nearby employees out to grab some lunch and the likes. Safety was the main reason given, since crimes against train staff have been on the rise for a while and this was supposed to help. Watch the video below though if you want to see train station staff attacking the press.

Due to the low height of the gates, anyone who excels at gate jumping can get by without paying a fare very easily, as no attempt is made at stopping them in the video below. Yes, it does look like jumping hurdles. Problem is the limber people jumping the gates in the evening and taking trains are the baddies who attack train staff. Other major stations have much higher gates, but then the trick is pushing through them at the same time as someone else who has checked in, which doesn’t seem to make things any safer.

Anyone who properly pays their fare might feel screwed over for following the rules while others cheat the system and can move about the station as they please. A good point made in the video is that you can only use your public transport chip card at a train station if you have a balance of 20 euro or more on your card, which is not a requirement with other public transportation. Maybe if that amount were lowered less people would feel inclined to jump over, but it could also be, as they say in Dutch, ‘mopping up with a running faucet’.

(Link:, Photo of Gates, Rotterdam CS by Passetti, some rights reserved)

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July 23, 2011

Utrecht train station has slide for travellers in a hurry

Filed under: Architecture,Design by Branko Collin @ 11:56 am

HIK Ontwerpers have designed and installed a slide at the Overvecht railway station (1995) in Utrecht as part of a beautification plan of the area. Hemubo Betontechniek built it this year.

Everybody is reporting that the official name is a ‘transport transfer accelerator’, but HIK themselves call it a ‘real slide’.

Here it is in action:

(Photo: HIK Ontwerpers. Video: NOS. Link: The Pop-Up City)

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