On Saturday 7 June, Utrecht will play host to the World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) to ‘attract some attention’ to the environment and our bodies by biking around naked. Utrecht was chosen since on the same day there will be a concert entitled ‘Geen halve maatregelen, Klimaatwet nu!’ (roughly ‘No half measures, an environmental law now!’) with performances by De Dijk and Stevie.
Besides Utrecht, more than 15 cities in 20 countries around the world will have people demonstrating for a more positive attitude towards our bodies and the environment. “But no one has to go naked”, according to the WNBR.
And now my two cents: besides posing for Spencer Tunick) or some church calendar, many naked events tend to attract white, middle aged heterosexual men, like at the naked fitness (not really mentioned, but on Dutch TV not a single other type of person could be seen). And if the white, middle aged heterosexual men are not in the event, they are the ones gawking on the sidelines. It’s just an observation, folks. If anyone qualified has a real explanation, I’m very interested.
(Link: frontpage.fok.nl, photo treehugger,com)